HUB news update--Aug. 27

Homeschool HUB News Update--August 27

Homeschool HUB phone: 269-240-6094
email:   website: 
Editor: Annette Ernsperger

The information below is offered to you as a service.  Please research and decide for yourself the value to your family.  The Homeschool HUB does not endorse any programs or services other than those offered by the Homeschool HUB.  

Send information to be added to the update no later than the Thursday before the week you want it to appear:


Details for the following events are on the calendar at:

Sept. 3--Bowling at Strikes and Spares, 1:00-3:00, $5/pp


1) HUB news update changing hands
2) Michiana Christian Homeschool Band begins 8th year!
3) SAT Prep program
4) Science research and video production opportunities
5) Fencing classes
6) Art contest
7) EDventours in Learning
8) Fall Harvest Festival
9) Upcoming stage plays
10) Iowa standardized testing available
11) Spirit of America performance at Van Andel Arena
12) Flag football
13) Reading/writing contest
14) Science and engineering contests
15) Tall ship maritime cruise
16) Art history class

1)  I have had the pleasure of being the HUB news update editor for the last 6 years, but it's time for me to move in a new direction.   I'm pleased to report the new editor is Andrea Bikfalvy, who will be taking over starting in September.   News items for the update should still be sent to   I hope your school year is productive and fulfilling!

2)  The Michiana Christian Homeschool Band is ready for another fantastic year.   Everything is in place for to have an incredible musical experience.   Our first meeting for the new semester will be Thursday, September 2 at 7:30 a.m.   We will meet at the same place:  Community Evangelical Free Church (corner of Bond and Bertrand)
There is no charge for this first session.  During this first rehearsal, while the instructor, Mr. Merten, is helping our musicians shake off the cobwebs, I will be meeting with the parents.   
For those who are interested, we are adding additional practice time each Thursday morning from 8:30 – 9:00 a.m.   This optional 30 minute time block will be used for individual and small ensemble instruction.   This is also an excellent time for any parent who would like to participate by re-learning an instrument with their child. 
Once again, BAND LINK will be offered to those students who are interested.  
The per session (per week) cost will be the same as last year.  
$5.00 for first child
$8.00 for two children
$10.00 for three children
Special accommodations can be made if you have more than three children who want to participate.
There is no charge for parent participation! 
I am very excited to let you know that the recording of our Spring concert is now available.  I have watched it several times and I am very pleased with the progress we have made.  I have DVD copies of the Spring Concert for everyone and will distribute them during our meeting on September 2nd.   
Mr. Merten and I believe that this year will be the best year ever for the band and we look forward to your child's eager participation.    
Please contact me if you have any questions.
G. David Moss, Ph.D.
Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs
University of Notre Dame
574-631-5550 (office)
574-631-5656 (fax)

705 East West Street,  Sturgis, MI

CONTACT:  Gretchen Anderson
Tel.:  269-651-3383


This SAT/ACT Test Prep Program is offered in time for high school seniors to prepare for the late October, November and December tests to facilitate college applications for the 2011-2012 school year. 

High school senior participants can expect to achieve higher scores than they would without this class.  The 14-class program will meet Mondays and Wednesdays for two hours at Heartwood Renaissance Academy, 705 East West Street, Sturgis, MI.  Instruction will include focus on English composition, math and study skills.  

Students from the Sturgis, Colon, Burr Oak, Mendon, White Pigeon, Constantine, Three Rivers, Mich., and Howe and LaGrange, Ind., areas will be conveniently served.  

Enrollment is limited; registration closes and classes start September 8.  For class hours, tuition costs and other information, call Gretchen Anderson, Founder and Director of Heartwood Renaissance Academy, at 269-651-3383 or Nancy Sherman, Instructor, at 269-488-8904.  

Heartwood Renaissance Academy, a private, non-profit, co-ed, Christian affiliated school, serves 6th through 12th Grade students from south and west Michigan and northern Indiana in Sturgis, MI.  As a secondary school, this institution has the opportunity to reinforce and develop a student's knowledge.  

If you would like further details about the program or to interview Gretchen Anderson or Nancy Sherman, contact Gail Turluck at 269.998.6353 or email 

4) Too Young to Research?

There is a professor at Andrews University, Dr. Murray, who believes high school students should learn to do scientific research.  He did a video shoot for this concept this summer, using some area homeschooled students as actors.  This was a fun project for them, and can be viewed at

Two other points:
* Dr. Murray will be offering a few research opportunities at Andrews next summer, as full-time jobs.  If your high school student is interested in science and would like to learn to do research, contact Beth Denton at for more info.  She is coordinating this for homeschoolers.

* The owner of the video production company that made this video is teaching a class for homeschoolers ages 12 and up in video production.  The class will meet on Fridays from 3pm - 5:30pm.  There will be a lot of time spent filming and editing outside of the class time as well.  The cost for the entire year (30 weeks) is $750.  Contact Kathy Joyce at 269 695-1654 to sign up.

5) Fencing, anyone?

The HUB would like to bring fencing lessons for students ages 10 and up to our area.  We have an instructor willing to come and bring all of the equipment, and we have a location at a church in Niles.  We want to do a six week introductory class on Tuesday mornings from 8:30 - 11am starting either Sept 7 or 14.  For the 15 hours of instruction the cost will be $75/student; additional students in the same family at $60/student.  The instructors credentials are below.  Homeschoolers in Battle Creek say he is excellent, and brings a lot of history lessons into the class as well.  In order to get this started we need to have 25 students.  He is traveling a good distance to get here, and that is the minimum required to make it worthwhile for him.  If things go well, he would continue to offer 6 week sessions.  To sign up please call Kathy Joyce at 269 695-1654.  We will start on Sept. 7th if we have enough students.  If not, we will wait one more week to see if the class fills.

Instructor: Craig Smith, Director/Owner Tri-Blade Fencing of Michigan and Maryland                        
Instructor Qualifications: 
Fencing since 1978 at Western Michigan University .
Competed in saber, foil, and epee' until 1988.  Moved to Battle Creek Michigan to open a business and joined Avante Garde Fencing Academy in 1989.  Avant Garde closed in 1989 and Tri-Blade Fencing opened in 1989.  Tri-Blade Fencing had 4 members represent the United States in the North American Cup in 1990.  Tri-Blade has continued with International Representation to present.  In 2007 Grant Shymske represented the United States and Tri-Blade Fencing in the Junior Olympics.
Organizations and Awards-

United States Fencing Association
Federal International D'Escrime'
International Coaches Association
Knights Templar
Knights of Malta
Knights of the Southern Cross
Founder of The New Order  Of Chivalric Knights
Founder Tri-Blade Fencing of Battle Creek
Founder of Tri-Blade Fencing of Ann Arbor
Founder of Tri-Blade Fencing of Kalamazoo
Founder of Tri-Blade Fencing of Marshal 
Founder of Tri-Blade of Maryland
Master Instructor Award Lakeview Public Schools
Maestro Fencing Master

6) Attention artists of all skill levels, age and media. Celebrate T.C. Steele's birthday in a way that would make him proud — creating original art at our 22nd annual Great Outdoor Art Contest on Saturday, Sept. 11. All artists must pre-register and the cost is $10 for adults and $5 for youth. Artists have from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. to create original pieces of art. Winners will have their work on display alongside the works of T.C. Steele. To register, download the application at or For more information, contact or 812.988.2785.
T.C. Steele State Historic Site is located on Hwy 46 just west of Nashville in the heart of artistic Brown County. Part of the Indiana State Museum and Historic Sites, a division of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, the site is where nature's beauty meets the artist's canvas. The home, studio and gardens of this noted Hoosier artist still provide inspiration today through site tours, outdoor painting competitions and artist-in-residence programs. For more information, call 812.988.2785 or visit

7) We've put together a unique opportunity for home school families in West Michigan to participate in a valuable education experience. I am the former administrator of an area Christian school, and my wife--a home school mom and events coordinator for the Grace Homeschool community of GR-have over 25 years of experience in providing quality events. We've put together a new venture called EDventours in Learning which will be providing education tours from a Christian perspective to various destinations (Washington DC/Gettysburg/Creation Museum, etc.). Our goal is to package them with curriculum resources to provide a robust learning experience for all involved.
Currently we are planning our first trip to Washington DC and Gettysburg (Iv'e led a number of trips there with school groups). I'm also building the website that will provide more information. What we need is to get the information out to home school families who may want to take advantage of what we believe is an excellent value;
a 4-full-day trip, complete with deluxe motor coach travel and accomodations-all entry fees, complementary breakfasts, indoor pools, and at least two dinners provided-and a FULL itinerary of events and locations to see and experience-all for $289pp! We're hoping that parents will see the value and take advantage of this "introductory" offer that will help us get this venture off the ground and running.

Here's the notice:
NEW FOR 2010-Washington DC/Gettysburg Home School Family Tour! Make history, geography, civics and our Christian heritage come alive by experiencing the sights and sounds of actually BEING THERE! Join experienced educator, tour guide and events coordinator (and home schoolers) Randy and Irene Hazenberg on this 4 (FULL) day trip-including deluxe motor coach travel and accommodations.  We'll see and experience just about everything you can imagine…from a battlefield tour and Cyclorama to the view from atop the Washington Monument. We'll pack in all of the war memorials, presidential monuments, Capitol tour (with our Congressman-schedule permitting), Smithsonian Museums, and more.
Check out all the details on our website or contact us at or give us a call at 616-805-2939.
Additionally, we'll be making site-specific lesson plans available for each location (and more-Civil War/American Girl/Abraham Lincoln, etc.) on our website to use before and after the trip.!
We will be leaving on Tuesday, October 5 (early am) and returning early on Saturday, October 9.
This is a great value at only $289 per person (based on 4 per room).
Space (and time) is limited. Sign up by September 5!
 We would be pleased to answer any questions that you may have with regard to getting this information out to the HUB group. We're hoping to be able to "fill the bus" for this first trip by Sept 5! to make it a "go." We know that this is asking for a "quick commitment" but also know (from our research and experience) that this will be a great time to be in DC!
If you could direct parents to the website: to have them check out the details (and the growing list of resources), we would be very grateful.
Randy & Irene

8) The 2010 Southwest Michigan Community Harvest Fest approaches... 
On Sunday, September 19th, Tillers is once again hosting the annual Southwest Michigan Community Harvest Fest from 11:30 am to 6:00 pm. With an average of 1,500 guests each year, the Harvest Fest is Tillers' largest public event of the year. The festival features growers, artists, advocacy organizations, alternative energy, crafts, demonstrations of woodworking, blacksmithing, farming with oxen, and spinning wool, musicians, aerialists, hay rides, museum exhibits, and more!  Cost is $10/car, bicyclists free.  For more info go to 


Mendel Center Field Trip Plays:

Those of you who have been involved in attending plays at Mendel Center arranged by Diane Day will need to update your interest with her for the 2010-2011 year.

Since the inception of the Parent Partnership and its involvement with the field trip Mendel plays, general interest has decreased significantly.  Reservations will be made but I will only reserve a few seats.  Last year, I was repeatedly giving seats back to Mendel due to the decrease in interest.  I know  the reason is that several are involved with the Partnership and will reserve seats through them

I reserve group tickets for my church who will not participate in the Partnership and can include any homeschoolers who chose to opt out of that field trip through the Partnership. 

Reservations usually will need to be paid for 3 weeks before the event.  After collecting the money, I call and confirm all paid seats.

I just need to get an idea of how many to reserve.  

Just go to and let me know which field trip performances you are interested in attending.

Thank you

Diane Day

Bethel College Plays:

I will be reserving seats again for the 2010-2011 theatre season of Bethel College.  This year they will be performing "Lost In Yonders", "Cinderella", & "The Importance of Being Earnest"  They do not offer all plays for our special homeschool pricing of $5 per student and teachers free.

I will post all available performances in the update as soon as I am aware of whether the upcoming play is offered at discount pricing.

To get a sneak peak at what is coming up, visit their website at

Bethel also offers some great concert opportunities throughout the year with their choirs and orchestra.  I will make every attempt to keep you abreast of those as well.

Look for the weekly Homeschool Hub update for upcoming event dates and details.


Christy Hanlon is a local homeschool parent who oversees standardized testing for homeschooled students each April. She and her helpers are approved test administrators through the test provider. 

Homeschooled students are welcome to participate, even if they are not affiliated with any homeschool organization.

Please mark your calendars for the 2011 Iowa/ITBS testing dates. If you have any questions, please contact Christy Hanlon at 574-674-9552 or

LOCATION: Mishawaka-Penn-Harris Public Library
209 Lincoln Way East
Mishawaka, IN  46544

DATES: 4th-8th grades – Three Mornings  (Spencer Gallery downstairs)
April 18th, 2011  9:00am-12:15pm  (Monday)
April 19th, 2011  9:00am-11:30 am  (Tuesday)
April 20th, 2011  9:00am-10:45am  (Wednesday)

9th-12th grades – Two Mornings  (Lions Room downstairs)
April 18th, 2011  9:00am-12:15pm  (Monday)
April 19th, 2011  9:00am-11:30am  (Tuesday)

COST: $52 (including sales tax) per child.
Full non-refundable payment required with registration.

AGES: Testing offered for any homeschooled child 4th through 12th grades.

REGISTRATION: February 1-19, 2011
Registration forms will be in February issues of local homeschool
newsletters. If you do not have access to a newsletter, please contact 
Christy Hanlon at 574-674-9552 or for a 
registration form, beginning January 17, 2011.

RESULTS: Computer-scored results will be mailed to Christy Hanlon and she will immediately
send them to the parents at the address provided on your registration form. Results are 
usually received by the end of June, but the timing is dependent on how busy the 
scoring agency is.

NOTE:  If your high school student scores 90% or greater on the composite battery of the IOWA test, he/she qualifies for membership in the National Home School Honor Society. A test score of 90% or greater on the math battery of the IOWA test qualifies him or her for the National Math Honor Society for the Homeschool Community.


Van Andel Arena is offering the program
"Spirit of America"

The 2010 Spirit of America schedule will  bring more than 300 active duty Soldiers from the U.S. Army Military District of Washington to the cities of Pittsburgh, Pa.,Highland Heights, Ky., and Grand Rapids, 
Mich., this September.

The history of the nation will come to life through historical reenactments, musical entertainment and precision military drill.  Historical accounts, taken directly from Soldiers' letters and diaries, provide the 
story line for this powerful drama, designed to entertain while presenting the history and development of the U.S. Army from its origins through the wars, conflicts and missions that have molded the Army and the nation.

The Homeschool Hub has secured tickets to this event and is offering them to the homeschool community free of charge. Date for this event is Saturday, September 25 at 2 PM.

We are offering these tickets first to our official Homeschool Hub members and then will open up distribution to anyone.

Homeschool Hub members can reserve these tickets until September 1.  After that, distribution will open to anyone. So hurry and reserve yours today! Diane Day 269-445-1900.

Become a member of the Homeschool Hub:

If you are not a member of the Homeschool Hub sign up today!  Hub dues are only $24 per year
and allow you valuable perks including first chance at events, Border's Educator's Card, and many more.

You can sign up at any Hub event or send payment and contact information to:

Homeschool Hub
P.O. Box 286
Niles, MI 49102

To receive your Border's Educator's card please include a SASE with payment.

12) Flag football

Niles Adventist School is teaching a flag football class this fall for students ages 12 to 16.  Classes meet on September 7, 14, 28 and October 5 from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm.  Cost is $20.  Contact Dorothea Sarli (269-684-3590) for more information.

13) LETTERS ABOUT LITERATURE, a reading-writing contest


The Center for the Book in the Library of Congress, in partnership with Target Stores and in cooperation with affiliate state centers for the book, invites readers in grades 4 through 12 to enter "Letters About Literature," a national reading-writing contest. To enter, readers write a personal letter to an author, living or dead, from any genre-- fiction or nonfiction, contemporary or classic, explaining how that author's work changed the student's way of thinking about the world or themselves. 

There are three competition levels: 
Level I, for students in grades 4 through 6
Level II, for grades 7 and 8
Level III, grades 9 - 12 

Entry Deadline is December 10, 2010

Winners receive cash awards at the state and national levels, as well as a donation to the library of their choice. 


14) Compete in Science and Engineering Festival - National Student Contests

Homeschoolers are invited to participate—and compete—in the first USA Science & Engineering festival to be held in Washington, D.C. this October.

The festival will offer hundreds of hands-on science exhibits, workshops, and performances. More than 400 of the nation's leading science, engineering, and academic organizations will participate in the festival and expo. 

In addition, national student contest opportunities are open to students now. These contests are being held in advance of festival events October 10–23, 2010, and the expo on the National Mall October 23–24, 2010. 

"Why Science is Cool"—The K-12 Kavli Science Video Contest. 
Deadline: July 15, 2010

"You Can Do the Rubik's Cube"
Deadline for team registration: October 1, 2010.

"Environmental Engineering Challenge: Design a Sustainable Dream House"
Deadline for entries: September 15, 2010

Read more: 
Compete in Science and Engineering Festival - National Student Contests TOP

Homeschoolers are invited to participate—and compete—in the first USA Science & Engineering festival to be held in Washington, D.C. this October.

The festival will offer hundreds of hands-on science exhibits, workshops, and performances. More than 400 of the nation's leading science, engineering, and academic organizations will participate in the festival and expo. 

In addition, national student contest opportunities are open to students now. These contests are being held in advance of festival events October 10–23, 2010, and the expo on the National Mall October 23–24, 2010. 

"Why Science is Cool"—The K-12 Kavli Science Video Contest. 
Deadline: July 15, 2010

"You Can Do the Rubik's Cube"
Deadline for team registration: October 1, 2010.

"Environmental Engineering Challenge: Design a Sustainable Dream House"
Deadline for entries: September 15, 2010

Read more: 

15) Sail Aboard the Tallship: FRIENDS GOOD WILL with other homeschoolers

Scheduled Sep 27, 2010 RSVP  by Sep 14, 2010

(An historic Tall Ship Sloop replica) sets sail filled with Home Schoolers from the greater Grand Rapids areaon Monday, September 27, 2010 9:30 sharp, matey, and ye'll be returnin' at 1:30, if ye be lucky.  Argh!

Grade Level: 3rd - Middle School  (High Schoolers also welcome!) 

Content: Life of the Great Lakes sailor in the 19th century; Maritime history and the history of this particular ship; Navigation; Simple Machines; Rigging; Sail theory; Gunnery; Knots; Setting Sails 

Instruction: Hands-on, aboard ship. 1 hour 15 minutes at dockside; 1 hour 30 minutes under sail.

Educational Resources are provided for pre-trip preparation and post-trip follow-up by Michigan Maritime Museum.

Cost: $15/student; $25/adult 

Chaperones are provided by Head to Heart Learning so no adult supervision is necessary during the program. However, transportation to the Michigan Maritime Museum in South Haven is the responsibility of the parent.

To Register call or email Rebecca Kirk, director of Head to Heart Learning at 616-550-0371 or 

*Friends Good Will is an historical replica sloop owned and operated by Michigan Maritime Museum and sails under the direction of a USCG licensed Captain.

Head to Heart Learning is only coordinating this trip and assumes no responsibility for the safety of any passenger.

For more information:
Rebecca Kirk

16) The Art History class at the Box Factory has room for a few more students. This class is for ages 13+ (those who have aged out of most homeschool art).
We have the unique opportunity to have Jan Kimball, MFA Sculpture, Art Inst. Chicago and Box Factory studio artist to teach this class, thus giving the students a very unique perspective, as most art history classes are taught from a painter's point of view.
Jan plans to use the Meijer Gardens in Grand Rapids as a jumping off point. The class will include a field trip to explore and discuss the work there.
The class will be an overview of art history and art principles focusing on particular artists and the art movements they are associated with.  We will use videos, slide presentations, and a field trip.  Students will have instruction to accomplish hands-on art projects. The project assignments will be inspired by and an expression of the art we will have studied during the program. 
The class will meet on Wednesdays at the Box Factory in St. Joseph, from 1:00 - 2:30, for 14 sessions starting September 8.  The class will be divided into 2 sections of 8 weeks ($150) and 6 weeks ($75). If you are part of the Parent Partnership (Berrien Springs), the cost will be covered by the partnership.
Please feel free to forward this to any other homeschool groups in the area. This is a great chance to have something different on your high school transcript, plus it sounds like a really fun class!

ProntoLessons - Free homeschool curriculum in American history and science for kids ages 6-8; perfect for beginners:

Prompts to Publishing:  

Interesting article about homeschool teens starting college early:  "Southwest Michigan teens use college courses to create customized curriculum"
by Alison Black

Link to article and photos >


Have something for sale, free or trade?  Advertise here!


Homeschool Parents - quick – what's the biggest drawback most people cite when talking about homeschooled children? Most of you likely said it's the perceived lack of socializing opportunities. We've all heard the questions: How will homeschoolers learn to be part of a team? How will they react when they leave home and face peer pressure? What about forming friendships? Though we know our homeschooled children will not end up living as hermits in a cave somewhere, the need for socialization is real. These are valid questions that deserve serious thought. Just how will you answer them? What socialization opportunities do your children have?

"But mom, I have Facebook - it's
not like I don't have any friends."

Our children are sometimes referred to as "Digital Natives." They've always had the internet. Cell phones. Hand-held gaming systems. And now social networks. The outside world can be brought to them or re-created in their hands. Though many homeschoolers don't see the need for real social interaction, the need hasn't ceased to exist.

The Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) conducted a study in 2003 and concluded that homeschooled children are on social par with their public schooled counterparts. To what did HSLDA attribute this? Homeschoolers' tendency to become involved in church youth groups and other programs like scouting and 4-H. In short, extracurricular social activity.

To provide such extracurricular activity to area homeschoolers, several parents are working to coordinate social events over the course of the summer. 
The August event will be a campfire and yard games for 13-18 year old students held on Friday Aug 27th from 7:00 – 10:00 PM at the home of Shane and Laura Hollister. Light refreshments will be provided. The rain date is the next evening, Saturday Aug 28th. The address and phone number are shown below.

If you are interested in helping to coordinate events or have suggestions, please post them to the list. Trips to the fair, skating, or any other public event can also be considered. We hope to continue meeting on "Fourth Fridays" through the winter, provided there is enough interest.

Thank you!

Shane & Laura Hollister
2090 Weiser Rd.
Niles, MI 49120


Homeschool Performing Arts 2010-2011 season presents: 

Little Women--Kalamazoo
Performances: December 7-11
Auditions: August 12
Rehearsals: Thursdays, 10-6 beginning September 9
Little Women the Broadway Musical is based on the life of Louisa May Alcott and follows the adventures of her family as they grow up in Civil War America. This story of the March sisters is filled with a powerful score, dancing, laughter and even some tears, touching issues that are as relevant today as they were when the original novel was written. With music by Jason Howland, lyrics by Mindi Dickstein and book by Allan Knee, Little Women will remind us all of the true value of family and friendship. This show for students ages 13 and up requires a medium-sized chorus and has several lead roles for both males and females.

Meet Me in St. Louis--Grand Rapids
Performances: January 20-22, 2011
Auditions: August 10
Rehearsals: Tuesdays, 10-5 beginning September 7
Meet Me in St. Louis is an optimistic musical set during the 1904 World's fair.  Join the Smith family as their love and respect for one another is tempered with genuine humor during hard times. This rare treasure of musical theatre includes such familiar songs as "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas," "The Trolley Song" and "The Boy Next Door." This production calls for a large cast, ages 8 and up, with limited roles for children under 13.

Performances: April 7-9, 2011
Auditions: August 9
Rehearsals: Fridays, 10-5, January-April 
and 2-3 rehearsals per month in the fall
beginning September 17
Brigadoon spins the story of a mysterious Scottish village that disappears into the Highland mist and returns onl y one day every hundred years. Worlds collide when two American tourists stumble upon Brigadoon and all its inhabitants. A lush musical score, lively dances and gorgeous harmonies help weave the story of this Highland romance. Marking the first Broadway smash hit for Lerner and Loewe, the classic story of Brigadoon heralds the ideas of love, loyalty and sacrifice, for "when ye love someone deeply, anythin' is possible".

Annie Get Your Gun--Kalamazoo
Performances: May 5-14, 2011
Auditions: August 12
Rehearsals: Thursdays 10-5, January-April and 2-5 on Sept. 30, Oct. 14, 28 & Nov. 11
 Annie Get Your Gun, Irving Berlin's classic musical, features gunfights and glamour--old west style! Annie Oakley, a backwoods gal with a sure shot and quick wit, challenges dashing marksman Frank Butler, the star of Buffalo Bill's Wild West traveling show. Sparks fly faster than bullets, but the competition ricochets romance.  Featuring great songs like:  "There's No Business Like Show Business," "Anything You Can Do," "I Got The Sun In The Morning," and "You Can't Get A Man With A Gun."  Featuring Cowboys, Indians, and a large chorus of old-west style performers, this musical is sure to hit the bull's eye! 

Disney's The Aristocat Kids
Lansing Rehearsals: Fridays 8:30-11:10,  beginning September 10
Performances: November 6 
Auditions: August 9
Kalamazoo Rehearsals: Thursdays 8:30-11:30, beginning September 9
Performances: November 13
Auditions: August 12 
Grand Rapids Rehearsals: Tuesdays 9-12, beginning September 7
Performances: November 20
Auditions: August 10 
Disney's The Aristocats Kids takes audiences on a fast-paced adventure with memorable characters and jazzy songs. This 45-minute production focuses on actor development, vocals, and choreography. HPA Kids! is a great musical theatre experience for 8-12 year olds.  Sets, props and family commitment are minimal.

Homeschool Performing Arts, 7995 Timpson Ave. SE, Alto, MI 49302
Homeschool high school science classes: 
A deposit of $75 is required to hold a spot in either class.  Below are the age/grade levels we believe are appropriate for the courses we offer.  There are overlaps allowing for difference in maturity, science interests and math skill level prior to taking a course.  
Level    COURSE-Year offered            AGE range       GRADES         MATH SKILL LEVEL
    1      Physical Science-11/12   13-16            8-10     Pre-Algebra or Algebra
    1      Biology-10/11                            13-16            8-10     Pre-Algebra or Algebra
    2      Chemistry-11/12                        16-18            10-12   Algebra or Advanced Math
    2      Adv. Biology-10/11                    16-18            10-12   Algebra or Advanced Math
Courses in levels 1 or 2 can be taken in any order within that level but it is important to take Physical Science before taking Chemistry and Biology before taking Advanced Biology.
Note: It is my goal to continue offering these courses as long as they are needed but the above schedule cannot be considered a guarantee as personal circumstances could dictate otherwise.
Costs – Biology: $ 340 Tuition for the year
Advanced Biology: $400 Tuition for the year
Lab costs for either class: $90 approximate for the full year. The $75 deposit goes toward these lab costs.
Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Randy Graves, M.S.                                                                    

Anthony Beer is accepting new students of all ages in the South Bend , Mishawaka , Granger and Niles area.  His studio offers a wide range of opportunities for students to excel with his/her skills at the piano. The Studio exposes each student to many different styles of music, ranging from classical, jazz, religious and contemporary music. This enhances their musical knowledge in theory,music history and their musicianship and performance skills. His goal as a teacher is to nurture each student and to help them explore the beauty and love of music. He encourages all students to support the arts in their community.
He is conservatory trained as a classical pianist and teacher and has studied at Goshen College , IUSB and the Eastman School of Music in Rochester NY .
Contact: 574-292-2038 or email


The Homeschool HUB is collecting used textbooks.  Contact Diane Day: or 269-445-1900.

The Homeschool HUB is continuing to collect Campbell Soup labels, Campbell's Chunky Soup labels, Campbell's Healthy Request labels, Campbell's Select harvest, Franco-American, Pepperidge Farm, Spaghettios, Swanson, V-8 Beverages, V-8 Fusion, Prego Italian Sauces and Campbell's Food Service.   Give your labels to any board member or bring them to our homeschool functions.


We are still accepting Boxtops for education labels.  You can find these on:

Betty Crocker goods
Gold Medal Flour
Nestle products
Cascadian Farm products
Cocoa Puffs
Cookie Crisp
Country Cornflakes
Fiber One products
Golden Grahams
Honey Nut Clusters
Lucky Charms
Oatmeal Crisps
Green Giant vegetables
Pillsbury Toaster Strudel
Totino Pizza olls
Hamburger Helper meals
Old El Paso
Suddenly Salad
Fruit Flavored shapes
Nature Valley
Pull Ups
Avery School supplies

Go to Boxtops for for more info, and then SAVE SAVE SAVE  those labels.  Each one nets 10 cents and every 10 cents adds up. You can give them to any HUB board director or bring them to any of our functions that we will be having.  Thank-you!

While the Homeschool HUB believes that these events or opportunities may be of value to home educators, announcements do not constitute an endorsement by the Homeschool HUB, or its Board of Directors. It is the responsibility of individual parents to determine the appropriateness of any event or opportunity for their children.

Participation in any event is voluntary and the participant assumes complete responsibility and liability for themselves, their family, anyone accompanying them, and their personal property.

HUB news update-August 18

Homeschool HUB News Update--August 18

Homeschool HUB phone: 269-240-6094
email:   website: 
Editor: Annette Ernsperger

The information below is offered to you as a service.  Please research and decide for yourself the value to your family.  The Homeschool HUB does not endorse any programs or services other than those offered by the Homeschool HUB.  

Send information to be added to the update no later than the Thursday before the week you want it to appear:


Details for the following events are on the calendar at:

August 20 and 27--Bowling at Strikes and Spares, 1:00-3:00, $5/pp
August 24--Homeschool HUB picnic and planning beach day at Fuller's Resort, 12:00, $1/pp
August 24--Park play day, 2:00,  park at 17th and Sycamore in Niles


1) School year kick-off picnic and planning meeting
2) Volunteer opportunity
3) Fall art classes
4) Fab Lab support group
5) Bethel College homeschool curriculum
6) Homeschool play: Annie Jr.
7) Sports classes
8) Speech class
9) Guitar lessons
10) Border's new discount card for educators
11) Miller Pads and Paper art contest

1) Homeschool HUB picnic and planning meeting

Don't forget to add this to your calendar.  Come and find out about the new travel club the HUB has started.  See what is available to check out from our mobile resource library (like a laptop with the Adobe Suite on it, or wooden map puzzles of the continents -- our two newest additions).

We are having our yearly planning meeting and picnic on August 24th, 2010, at noon at Fuller's Resort on Clear Lake.  Clear Lake is a beautiful lake with a quiet beach for the little ones, and a jumping platform for the older ones. There will be swimming, beach volleyball, games -- you make the fun! This is a potluck so bring your favorite dish. There are also grills if you want to bring something to
throw on it. There is a snack station at the campground complete with ice cream, hamburgers, and hot dogs -- and lots of candy. Traditionally, this is a time for all of us to get together before the
chaos breaks loose in September and plan for HUB activities for the upcoming year and to learn and talk about new ideas and inspiration. So, do bring: your towel, your ideas, your old curriculum/books to
sell, trade, or barter, some food, laughter, and anything else that sounds interesting. Oh, and bring your best beach volleyball skills too!  Do not: sit at home doing nothing! Fuller's Resort and Campground is located on 1622 E. Clear Lake Rd west of Buchanan.  Here is their web site:

Their normal entry fee is $3/adult and $1.75/student, but if you tell them you are there for homeschool day it will only be $1/person.  The HUB will provide charcoal, paper products, and punch.   

2)  Volunteer opportunity

Curious Kids Museum Science and Art Circus needs volunteers who enjoy having fun and learning new things.  Volunteers will serve popcorn & lemonade, assist with fun hands on projects, or help with set up and take down.  If you would like to volunteer - call the museum at:  269-983-2543 or send an email to Pat Adams, director:


Want to volunteer, but not sure where?  Join the Volunteer Center and a dozen nonprofits at Volunteer Day at the Berrien County Youth Fair .
WHAT:  Volunteer Day at the Berrien County Youth Fair
WHY:  Meet representatives from a dozen nonprofits and the Volunteer Center of Southwest Michigan to learn about the hundreds of volunteer opportunities available to YOU!
WHEN:  Thursday, August 19th noon – 4 p.m.
WHERE:  Berrien County Youth Fair, USA Building, Berrien Springs

3) New Creations Offers 2010 Fall Art Classes in the Michiana Area for Students in Grades 1-12. Adults and home schoolers welcome!
 Gloria Seitz, a certified K-12 art teacher, will be teaching classes on the topic of PRESSING INTO PRINTMAKING.
In this seven week class, students will be learning the history and process of printing. Many types of printing will be explored. Depending on the age group, some of the processes we will be exploring include thumb, vegetable, butterfly, string, block, stamp, blot, Gyotaku, marbleized, eraser, and solar prints.
Thursday Hobby Lobby CLASSES WILL BEGIN ONE WEEK EARLY, Thursday, September 16 and skip the following Thursday. TUESDAY CLASSES in Niles will begin on Tuesday, September 21, and WEDNESDAY CLASSES at Trinity will begin on Wednesday, September 22. There will be no classes the week of October 11.
The Art Festival will be held on Friday, November 12. 
Tuesdays, classes at Community Free Church in Niles are as follows:  Ages 6-10 will meet at 10:30-11:30 a.m. Ages 9-13 meet from 11:45 -12:45 p.m. and 7th -adult meet from 1-2 p.m. 
Wednesday classes meet at Trinity Free Church in South Bend. Ages 6-10 will meet at 10:30-11:30 a.m. Ages 9-13 meet from 11:45 -12:45 p.m. and 7th -adult meet from 1-2 p.m.
Thursday classes meet at Hobby Lobby in Mishawaka at the following times:  Ages 6-10 will meet at 11:30-12:30 AND at 12:45-1:45 p.m.. Ages 9-13 will meet at 2-3.  7th through adult will meet from 3:15 -4:15. 8 through 13 year olds will meet from 4:20 -5:30 p.m. (Extra time at end of day to allow for cleanup!)
The cost for the seven week classes is $65 for the first child and $5 LESS  for each additional child.  You will save $5 on the total cost if you pay by September 13.  Cost includes supplies (except sketch book, erasers, pencil, rulers, and folder:  These you will need to purchase), room rental, and Art Festival.  You may sign up and print out a registration form on line at  Classes do fill up, so be sure to get your registration in early.  You may reserve your spot by calling Gloria at 574-271-8069 even before sending in your reservation. 
If you want to view more photos of the classes, check out New Creations Art Classes on Face book.

4) Fab Lab support

There is a new group forming to provide support and guidance to the Fab Lab at LMC.  The first meeting will be on Thursday, August 26, at 7pm in the Fab Lab.  If you had students in a class there and want to help the Fab Lab thrive and grow, please come.  If you have never heard of the Fab Lab, it's a Fabricating Laboratory designed by a professor at MIT.  LMC put in the first Fab Lab in Michigan two years ago.  This fall Detroit and Flint are both putting one in.  For more info on Fab Labs go here:

If you want to help support the Fab Lab please come to the organizational meeting on the 26th.


The Bethel education resource center (used by education majors to help prep for lesson plans, etc.) is cleaning house and they have a lot of extra materials. The library staff thought the materials might be of interest to area homeschoolers.  
We have close to 1,500 textbooks and supplemental materials such as workbooks, teacher lesson plans , answer sheets, CD-ROMs and test/quiz generators available from grades K-12 covering such subjects as Math, Reading, Literature, History, Science, Health, and some Art and Music materials.
All of the materials are currently sitting on tables and on the floor in the ERC. If anyone is interested, please give me a call in advance at 574.807-7001 or email me ( so that I can make sure I am present to assist you.  If you come, please bring your own boxes or other storage containers as we currently do not have any empty boxes on hand.  We do have some carts that you can use to transport the items out to your vehicle, and we would be happy to assist you in this manner.
We don't have prices on any of the items, but we would appreciate a small donation of your choice to the library endowment.  Checks can be made out to the "Root – Luesing Library Endowment" and we will also accept cash if you prefer. 
I would like to have most of it gone by August 20, and whatever is left over we'll have to load up in our cars and take over to Better World Books (this is our last option). 
Tim Amstutz
Library Assistant
The ERC is located in room B201, just down the hall from the Bowen Library (near the science building). 

6) ANNIE Jr. Tickets On Sale Now!  All seats $5

Little Orphan Annie has been entertaining America since 1924, when she began her life as a comic strip character.  Then, in 1977, Annie hit the stage with the cast of characters that made up her world, and her popularity has done nothing but grow.  The Performing Arts Ministry at Grace United Methodist Church will present "Annie Jr.," a slightly shorter version of the Broadway "Annie," geared more toward children — with every part played by children & youth 8 to 14 years old.

As the story goes, 11-year-old Annie (played by Jocelyn Pletcher) is in an orphanage, operated by the bully Miss Hannigan (Lilly Sheline). But the orphan girls are hopeful that they will find parents and be happy someday. Annie runs away to look for the parents she feels sure are alive and, along the way, finds a runaway dog she calls Sandy (Maggie Rogers). Annie is caught and returns to the orphanage, smuggling the dog along with her. But a stroke of luck lands her in the home of Daddy Warbucks (Bailey Bakerson), one of the richest men around, initially just for the Christmas holidays. Through a series of ups and downs — and of course, the bad guys trying to cash in — Annie eventually finds herself on the road to happiness she has always dreamed of.

The cast sings and dances to all the popular songs from the hit Broadway production, including "It's A Hard-Knock Life," "Maybe," "Tomorrow" and "I Think I'm Going to Like it Here."  Come on out for a delightful evening of live theater that is fun for the whole family. 

When:  Friday, August 20, 7:00 pm
           Saturday, August 21, 7:00 p.m.
Where: Grace United Methodist Church
            501 Grant St., Niles, MI

Cost:    $5, general seating.  Profits will be donated to The Methodist Children's Home of MI, a non-profit child-care agency that cares for abused and neglected children.

Tickets can be purchased at: 
Sweeties Sweet Shoppe, 259 E. Front St., Buchanan
Niles Scrapbooking, Etc., 2830 So. 11th St., Niles
Grace United Methodist Church, 501 Grant St., Niles

For more information, contact Cordelia Tomasino at or 269-684-3454 

7) Sports Classes in Niles

This fall we're offering softball and flag football classes for kids ages 10+ (softball) and ages 12-16 (football).  Classes meet as shown below (usually Mondays and Tuesdays) from 4:00 to 5:30 pm. at the Niles Adventist School at 110 N. Fairview (just off of Grant Street) in Niles.

The fee is $30 per student per class (with discounts for 3+ students per family).  Please let me know if you'd like to join us!  (Class sizes are limited.)

I'll need your student's name and age as well as your home and cell phone numbers.  If another adult family member has a cell phone, please include that number, too.

If there's a day that it rains too hard to play softball or football, we'll play basketball in the gym that day.  If the school closes for snow, we'll have a snow make-up day later in the semester.

Dorothea Sarli
Homeschool Teacher

8) Speech Class

This lighthearted class is offered by Bob Cashbaugh, former speech instructor for Berrien Springs school system and former Theater Director of Southwest Michigan College. Students will be involved in group reading, discussions, analysis of performances and speech-giving. Assignments will include seven speeches and will emphasize participation and performance. All written work must be typed and in proper form. Speech is offered in a casual classroom atmosphere and should be a lot of fun! Ages 12 and up. We'll start the week of September 13th and run through the week of December 13th. Date and time TBA. Class will take place in the Niles / Berrien Springs area. $30 per child with discounts for additional family members. Please contact Jane Kerr at: or at 471-9004.

9) Imagine your child playing the guitar.  Take the next step in making it a reality.  Hugh Duncan has taught beginning lessons for many years. He's a homeschooling dad of two, an audio producer for a Bible teaching radio program and has spent many years playing guitar and bass in churches.  Lessons will be held in Buchannan and Saint Joseph.  Contact Hugh at 417-569-5216 or email

10)  25% discount every day, any day at Border's for educators with the new Border's classroom discount card:

11) Miller Pads and Paper's 2010 Art Contest
We are so excited about the 2010 Art Contest!! This art contest is open to everyone ages 18 and under. There are a total of 3 categories and 3 age groups! You may enter one or all categories and you are limited to one entry per category. A single person may send in one entry for each of the 3 categories for a total of 3 entries. Theme is the students choice and art work should be no larger than 9x12". Contest 

Dates: Aug. 15th to September 27th (Judging September 30th)
3 Age Groups: Age 6 & under Age 7 to 11 Age 12 to 18
3 Categories: 9x12" size or smaller & Theme is "Your Choice" Watercolor: Portrait Watercolor: Landscape or Seascape Caricatures

Please put the following on each entry: Name, Age, Address, Email Address (all results will be sent via email) 

Send Art Work To:
 Miller Pads and Paper 
c/o Art Contest 
1507 Elm St.
 Boscobel, WI. 53805

If you would like your entry back, please include a check or money order for the dollar amount it cost to send the entry to us and state how you want it shipped to you. (Priority mail, UPS, etc...) We realize your art work is precious, so we will take good care of it, however we cannot be held responsible for damage in shipping, so please package it carefully.

Judging will take place September 30th. Our judges vary in age from 24 to 88! They are great artists themselves! There will a total of 27 prizes given out! First, Second and Third place in each category and each age level. Winners will be notified and prizes sent out by Oct. 13th. If you do not hear back from us, please contact us via email at Put the words Art Contest Winner(s) Inquiry in the subject line. All First Place winners will have their artwork with name and age posted on our website ( for all to enjoy.

This will be our best Art contest to date, s o please get your entries in ASAP. Cut-off date is September 27th.... No Exceptions.


The website provides homeschoolers a place to go to meet other homeschoolers to get ideas, resources, support and encouragement.
This new social networking site, designed exclusively for the needs of homeschooling families, is a great way for people to connect around the particular lifestyle and educational choices that we make. Through this site, we will see that homeschoolers are not a homogeneous group of people, but rather, we are an extremely diverse and complex group, and I believe this is an opportunity to learn to appreciate (and learn from) our differences.  The site offers a place for families to create profiles, invite friends, blog, upload photos and videos, create and join groups, create and exchange ideas in forums and so much more.


Study: Homeschoolers Do Better In College
As the number of homeschooled children tips 1.5 million, it begs the question: can students who enter college after years of homeschooling do well?
It's a more relevant question today since the number of college students who have been homeschooled has exploded. Back in the 1970s, only 13,000 students were homeschooled while today there are more than 1.5 million.
According to a recently released study, homeschooled students enjoy higher ACT scores, grade point averages and graduation rates compared with other college students.
The research, which was conducted by Michael Cogan, the director of institutional research and analysis at the University of St. Thomas, focused on the experiences of homeschooled students at an unnamed medium-sized university in the upper Midwest.
Cogan's findings, published in "The Journal of College Admission" showed that Homeschool students earned a 1.5 points higher on the ACT than other incoming freshmen. They also earned 8.7 more college credits as high schoolers, earned 0.29 better GPA as freshman and 0.30 as seniors, and were about 10 percent more likely to graduate.
As a side note, the study also showed that homeschooled freshmen were less likely to live on campus and more likely to identify themselves as Roman Catholic.


Have something for sale, free or trade?  Advertise here!


Homeschool Performing Arts 2010-2011 season presents: 

Little Women--Kalamazoo
Performances: December 7-11
Auditions: August 12
Rehearsals: Thursdays, 10-6 beginning September 9
Little Women the Broadway Musical is based on the life of Louisa May Alcott and follows the adventures of her family as they grow up in Civil War America. This story of the March sisters is filled with a powerful score, dancing, laughter and even some tears, touching issues that are as relevant today as they were when the original novel was written. With music by Jason Howland, lyrics by Mindi Dickstein and book by Allan Knee, Little Women will remind us all of the true value of family and friendship. This show for students ages 13 and up requires a medium-sized chorus and has several lead roles for both males and females.

Meet Me in St. Louis--Grand Rapids
Performances: January 20-22, 2011
Auditions: August 10
Rehearsals: Tuesdays, 10-5 beginning September 7
Meet Me in St. Louis is an optimistic musical set during the 1904 World's fair.  Join the Smith family as their love and respect for one another is tempered with genuine humor during hard times. This rare treasure of musical theatre includes such familiar songs as "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas," "The Trolley Song" and "The Boy Next Door." This production calls for a large cast, ages 8 and up, with limited roles for children under 13.

Performances: April 7-9, 2011
Auditions: August 9
Rehearsals: Fridays, 10-5, January-April 
and 2-3 rehearsals per month in the fall
beginning September 17
Brigadoon spins the story of a mysterious Scottish village that disappears into the Highland mist and returns onl y one day every hundred years. Worlds collide when two American tourists stumble upon Brigadoon and all its inhabitants. A lush musical score, lively dances and gorgeous harmonies help weave the story of this Highland romance. Marking the first Broadway smash hit for Lerner and Loewe, the classic story of Brigadoon heralds the ideas of love, loyalty and sacrifice, for "when ye love someone deeply, anythin' is possible".

Annie Get Your Gun--Kalamazoo
Performances: May 5-14, 2011
Auditions: August 12
Rehearsals: Thursdays 10-5, January-April and 2-5 on Sept. 30, Oct. 14, 28 & Nov. 11
 Annie Get Your Gun, Irving Berlin's classic musical, features gunfights and glamour--old west style! Annie Oakley, a backwoods gal with a sure shot and quick wit, challenges dashing marksman Frank Butler, the star of Buffalo Bill's Wild West traveling show. Sparks fly faster than bullets, but the competition ricochets romance.  Featuring great songs like:  "There's No Business Like Show Business," "Anything You Can Do," "I Got The Sun In The Morning," and "You Can't Get A Man With A Gun."  Featuring Cowboys, Indians, and a large chorus of old-west style performers, this musical is sure to hit the bull's eye! 

Disney's The Aristocat Kids
Lansing Rehearsals: Fridays 8:30-11:10,  beginning September 10
Performances: November 6 
Auditions: August 9
Kalamazoo Rehearsals: Thursdays 8:30-11:30, beginning September 9
Performances: November 13
Auditions: August 12 
Grand Rapids Rehearsals: Tuesdays 9-12, beginning September 7
Performances: November 20
Auditions: August 10 
Disney's The Aristocats Kids takes audiences on a fast-paced adventure with memorable characters and jazzy songs. This 45-minute production focuses on actor development, vocals, and choreography. HPA Kids! is a great musical theatre experience for 8-12 year olds.  Sets, props and family commitment are minimal.

Homeschool Performing Arts, 7995 Timpson Ave. SE, Alto, MI 49302
Homeschool high school science classes: 
A deposit of $75 is required to hold a spot in either class.  Below are the age/grade levels we believe are appropriate for the courses we offer.  There are overlaps allowing for difference in maturity, science interests and math skill level prior to taking a course.  
Level    COURSE-Year offered            AGE range       GRADES         MATH SKILL LEVEL
    1      Physical Science-11/12   13-16            8-10     Pre-Algebra or Algebra
    1      Biology-10/11                            13-16            8-10     Pre-Algebra or Algebra
    2      Chemistry-11/12                        16-18            10-12   Algebra or Advanced Math
    2      Adv. Biology-10/11                    16-18            10-12   Algebra or Advanced Math
Courses in levels 1 or 2 can be taken in any order within that level but it is important to take Physical Science before taking Chemistry and Biology before taking Advanced Biology.
Note: It is my goal to continue offering these courses as long as they are needed but the above schedule cannot be considered a guarantee as personal circumstances could dictate otherwise.
Costs – Biology: $ 340 Tuition for the year
Advanced Biology: $400 Tuition for the year
Lab costs for either class: $90 approximate for the full year. The $75 deposit goes toward these lab costs.
Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Randy Graves, M.S.                                                                    

Anthony Beer is accepting new students of all ages in the South Bend , Mishawaka , Granger and Niles area.  His studio offers a wide range of opportunities for students to excel with his/her skills at the piano. The Studio exposes each student to many different styles of music, ranging from classical, jazz, religious and contemporary music. This enhances their musical knowledge in theory,music history and their musicianship and performance skills. His goal as a teacher is to nurture each student and to help them explore the beauty and love of music. He encourages all students to support the arts in their community.
He is conservatory trained as a classical pianist and teacher and has studied at Goshen College , IUSB and the Eastman School of Music in Rochester NY .
Contact: 574-292-2038 or email


The Homeschool HUB is collecting used textbooks.  Contact Diane Day: or 269-445-1900.

The Homeschool HUB is continuing to collect Campbell Soup labels, Campbell's Chunky Soup labels, Campbell's Healthy Request labels, Campbell's Select harvest, Franco-American, Pepperidge Farm, Spaghettios, Swanson, V-8 Beverages, V-8 Fusion, Prego Italian Sauces and Campbell's Food Service.   Give your labels to any board member or bring them to our homeschool functions.


We are still accepting Boxtops for education labels.  You can find these on:

Betty Crocker goods
Gold Medal Flour
Nestle products
Cascadian Farm products
Cocoa Puffs
Cookie Crisp
Country Cornflakes
Fiber One products
Golden Grahams
Honey Nut Clusters
Lucky Charms
Oatmeal Crisps
Green Giant vegetables
Pillsbury Toaster Strudel
Totino Pizza olls
Hamburger Helper meals
Old El Paso
Suddenly Salad
Fruit Flavored shapes
Nature Valley
Pull Ups
Avery School supplies

Go to Boxtops for for more info, and then SAVE SAVE SAVE  those labels.  Each one nets 10 cents and every 10 cents adds up. You can give them to any HUB board director or bring them to any of our functions that we will be having.  Thank-you!

While the Homeschool HUB believes that these events or opportunities may be of value to home educators, announcements do not constitute an endorsement by the Homeschool HUB, or its Board of Directors. It is the responsibility of individual parents to determine the appropriateness of any event or opportunity for their children.

Participation in any event is voluntary and the participant assumes complete responsibility and liability for themselves, their family, anyone accompanying them, and their personal property.

HUB news update--August 6

Homeschool HUB News Update--August 6

Homeschool HUB phone: 269-240-6094
email:   website: 
Editor: Annette Ernsperger

The information below is offered to you as a service.  Please research and decide for yourself the value to your family.  The Homeschool HUB does not endorse any programs or services other than those offered by the Homeschool HUB.  

Send information to be added to the update no later than the Thursday before the week you want it to appear:


Details for the following events are on the calendar at:

August 10--Homeschool beach day at Fuller's Resort, 10:00, $1/pp
August 10--Park play day, 2:00,  park at 17th and Sycamore in Niles
August 13--Bowling at Strikes and Spares, 1:00-3:00, $5/pp


1) School year kick-off picnic and planning meeting
2) Volunteer opportunity
3) Homeschool day at Six Flags
4) Software and technology discounts
5) Support group starting near Rum Village
6) Homeschool play: Annie Jr.
7) Back-to-(home)school fair
8) Speech class
9) Reading and homeschooling success lectures
10) Agriculture program information sessions at LMC

1) Homeschool HUB picnic and planning meeting

We are having our yearly planning meeting and picnic on August 24th, 2010, at noon at Fuller's Resort on Clear Lake.  Clear Lake is a beautiful lake with a quiet beach for the little ones, and a jumping platform for the older ones. There will be swimming, beach volleyball, games -- you make the fun! This is a potluck so bring your favorite dish. There are also grills if you want to bring something to
throw on it. There is a snack station at the campground complete with ice cream, hamburgers, and hot dogs -- and lots of candy. Traditionally, this is a time for all of us to get together before the
chaos breaks loose in September and plan for HUB activities for the upcoming year and to learn and talk about new ideas and inspiration. So, do bring: your towel, your ideas, your old curriculum/books to
sell, trade, or barter, some food, laughter, and anything else that sounds interesting. Oh, and bring your best beach volleyball skills too!  Do not: sit at home doing nothing! Fuller's Resort and Campground is located on 1622 E. Clear Lake Rd west of Buchanan.  Here is their web site:

Their normal entry fee is $3/adult and $1.75/student, but if you tell them you are there for homeschool day it will only be $1/person.  The HUB will provide charcoal, paper products, and punch.  

2)  Volunteer opportunity

Mission:  Western Michigan University Archaeology Students, in partnership with the City of Niles and the Fort St. Joseph Advisory Committee, seek to unlock the secrets of this long lost, but not forgotten, frontier outpost of New France . It lies within Riverfront Park in Niles , Michigan .
An Open House is being held Saturday and Sunday August 14 & 15 from 10 am to 5 pm
Volunteers will greet visitors at the entrance table, passing out programs and brochures.
As guests exit, passing out surveys and coupons.  Volunteers will sit at chairs at tables.  If you would like to volunteer for this unique option and sign up for a shift from:
9:45 am to 12:30 pm
12:15 pm to 2:30 pm
2:15 pm to 5:15 pm.  

Debra Panozzo
Adult and family volunteer coordinator
Volunteer Center of Southwest Michigan
269-983-0912 ext 303 St. Joseph
269-683-5464 ext 322 Niles

3) Homeschool day at Six Flags
Six Flags north of Chicago is doing their homeschool day differently this year.  It's on Friday, August 27, and the park will be open to the public from 10am – 7pm.  Homeschoolers will be allowed in at 9am, and the first hour there will only be homeschoolers.  After that, they are open to everyone.  This means the lines will be longer than at past homeschool days.  The discount rate is $26.  For more info and to order tickets go to:

4) Discounts on software and technology devices

Any home schooled student in Berrien County can take advantage of the intermediate school district's (REMC) access to heavily discounted technology items and software. If you're interested in learning what's available do the following:

First, go to The top bars will list different options; choose 'technology' . Once that screen opens, on the left side choose "instructional technology". Once that opens,
again on the left choose "REMC XI bid buy." There will be lists of items that REMC can get for you at greatly discounted prices.  (Even if you don't see the item you're interested in, don't give up. Just call the
contact person to see if she can talk to one of her vendors to see if they have it.) Find the programs/items you're interested in. Call Tammy at 269-471-7725 ext. 1124 and tell her you're a home schooler in Berrien County. We've been told that orders go in as they come in, so no long waiting periods apply. They cannot do credit card orders, so you'll either need to deliver a check to her in person or send it in the mail. Once your item arrives, you most likely will need to pick it up, but ask if they can deliver it to your local school district through their distribution system. If they can do this for you, you'll want to call your local school district to let them know it's coming.

Many people are currently planning the upcoming school year and are looking for calculators. Here is a comparison for graphing calculators so you can see the savings:
TI 73: REMC price - $59.34 compared to 92.99 new/76.77 discounted on Amazon
TI 84: REMC price - $97.87 compared to 213.04 new/107.90 discounted on amazon

Check out tons of other stuff, too! If you'd like to chat with others who may be going through this process or if you want to share your experiences once you use this system, please go to and post your comments. Others there will be interested in learning.

5) Hi, I'm trying to organize a homeschool support group and would like to have a meetup at Rum Village Park on August 14 at 10 am.  I am going to start a Families Club using materials from the Arbor Day Society.  To RSVP, please go to .   

6) ANNIE Jr. Tickets On Sale Now!  All seats $5

Little Orphan Annie has been entertaining America since 1924, when she began her life as a comic strip character.  Then, in 1977, Annie hit the stage with the cast of characters that made up her world, and her popularity has done nothing but grow.  The Performing Arts Ministry at Grace United Methodist Church will present "Annie Jr.," a slightly shorter version of the Broadway "Annie," geared more toward children — with every part played by children & youth 8 to 14 years old.

As the story goes, 11-year-old Annie (played by Jocelyn Pletcher) is in an orphanage, operated by the bully Miss Hannigan (Lilly Sheline). But the orphan girls are hopeful that they will find parents and be happy someday. Annie runs away to look for the parents she feels sure are alive and, along the way, finds a runaway dog she calls Sandy (Maggie Rogers). Annie is caught and returns to the orphanage, smuggling the dog along with her. But a stroke of luck lands her in the home of Daddy Warbucks (Bailey Bakerson), one of the richest men around, initially just for the Christmas holidays. Through a series of ups and downs — and of course, the bad guys trying to cash in — Annie eventually finds herself on the road to happiness she has always dreamed of.

The cast sings and dances to all the popular songs from the hit Broadway production, including "It's A Hard-Knock Life," "Maybe," "Tomorrow" and "I Think I'm Going to Like it Here."  Come on out for a delightful evening of live theater that is fun for the whole family. 

When:  Friday, August 20, 7:00 pm
           Saturday, August 21, 7:00 p.m.
Where: Grace United Methodist Church
            501 Grant St., Niles, MI

Cost:    $5, general seating.  Profits will be donated to The Methodist Children's Home of MI, a non-profit child-care agency that cares for abused and neglected children.

Tickets can be purchased at: 
Sweeties Sweet Shoppe, 259 E. Front St., Buchanan
Niles Scrapbooking, Etc., 2830 So. 11th St., Niles
Grace United Methodist Church, 501 Grant St., Niles

For more information, contact Cordelia Tomasino at or 269-684-3454 

7) The annual Christian HOME Back-to-School Fair will be held on Thursday evening, August 19, at South Bend Christian Reformed Church, 1855 N. Hickory Road, South Bend, from 6:00-8:30 p.m.  Once again, admission is free, and all homeschoolers are welcome. You will have a chance to join Christian HOME for the 2010-11 school year if you like and meet representatives from the community who offer opportunities for homeschoolers in an open house format. Please feel free to invite your friends or any new homeschoolers you meet. We will offer a Homeschooling 101 session for new families who have questions about homeschooling in general.

A free table will be set up again this year where everything is free for the taking. If you have gently used homeschool books and supplies that you no longer need, this is your chance to declutter and bless another homeschool family in the process. Bring them with you to the Fair where there will be a place to display them. Any items left at the end of the
night will be donated to a local charity. 

We're trying something new this year for those who have used curriculum for sale. There will be a table at the Fair where you can place a list of items you would like to sell. All you need to do is create the list and be sure it has prices and your contact information on it. Make as many copies as you wish and bring them with you. You can place them on the table where interested families can take them and get in touch with you.

Come on out and meet other local homeschoolers and find out what's available this year in the area!  We look forward to seeing you!

Tammi Meister
The Christian HOME Co-op

8) Speech Class

This lighthearted class is offered by Bob Cashbaugh, former speech instructor for Berrien Springs school system and former Theater Director of Southwest Michigan College. Students will be involved in group reading, discussions, analysis of performances and speech-giving. Assignments will include seven speeches and will emphasize participation and performance. All written work must be typed and in proper form. Speech is offered in a casual classroom atmosphere and should be a lot of fun! Ages 12 and up. We'll start the week of September 13th and run through the week of December 13th. Date and time TBA. Class will take place in the Niles / Berrien Springs area. $30 per child with discounts for additional family members. Please contact Jane Kerr at: or at 471-9004.


Your #1 Reading (And Spelling) Success Secrets for Homeschooling (And "How to Have a No-Worries Start to the Year") -- Want to make sure your school year starts off well? Come to our one-night "Be Prepared Workshop" for the fall -- featuring nationally-known Erin Brown Conroy, author, mom of 13 who has been homeschooling for 26 years, professor at Patrick Henry College, course creator for the new PHC Prep Academy Online -- as she shares with you the top secrets to making sure your child is reading well -- giving you tips that are easy to implement right away -- Including the top 10 tips to starting out the year with kids on board, excited to learn.

BONUS: Is your child struggling in any way? Near the end of the workshop, Erin will answer your personal questions and share the differences between most programs and the new True North Reading: Complete Mastery Reading & Spelling Program -- giving you information on how you can go beyond phonics, beyond traditional methods--to meet your child's needs, no matter what his or her learning style--even kids with dyslexia, autism and other learning differences. After the workshop, certified teachers with the program will be available to answer any specific questions on fall classes forming now in Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, and Southwest Michigan.  If you have a beginning or struggling reader, you won't want to miss hearing about how you can help your child learn to read amazingly well.  Get free handouts and lots of practical help for getting your homeschooling year off to a great start! 

Make sure you pre-register and mark this on your calendar --Because reading is the most important skill you can give your child for ALL of learning.

At the conclusion of the workshop, there will be drawings for over $100 worth of FREE PRODUCTS for all those who pre-register.  Items will include parenting books and reading materials by Erin Brown Conroy and sensory learning tools.  The learning tools are items that will be sure to add a fun hands-on experience to any homeschool curriculum!

Cost: A free will offering will be collected to cover room rental fees and traveling expenses. (Suggested donation $5)

WHEN? WHERE? Two dates and locations to choose from:

 Thursday, Aug. 5 from 7:00-9:00pm at the Homeschool Building at 5625 Burlingame Ave, Wyoming
AND Monday, Aug. 16 from 7:00-9:00pm at the Kalamazoo Public Library-Oshtemo 7265 West Main Street, Kalamazoo

If you are not familiar with these locations, they are both easy to find from the highway (131) and the two locations are about 40 minutes apart.

So, preregister now to make sure to reserve a spot and to make sure your name is in for the drawing.  You must be present at the workshop to win! 

Please register for the Aug. 5 workshop at the homeschool building by emailing your name and hometown to:  Please put "Workshop" in the subject line.

Please register for the Aug. 16 workshop at the Kalamazoo library by emailing your name and home town to: Please put "Workshop" in the subject line.

10) Agriculture is a $300 million industry in Berrien and Van Buren counties. It takes skilled people to run the farms, landscaping businesses and vineyards that you can find everywhere in our region.
Learn more about these exciting new programs during the Agriculture Program Information Sessions
Wednesday, August 4, 7 pm Lake Michigan College Mendel Center Grand Upton Hall 2755 E. Napier Ave., Benton Harbor
Monday, August 9, 7 pm Lake Michigan College at South Haven 125 Veterans Blvd., South Haven
Wednesday, August 11, 7 pm Lake Michigan College at Bertrand Crossing 1905 Foundation Drive, Niles

Because agriculture is so important to this corner of Michigan and to the entire state, Michigan State University has partnered with Lake Michigan College to offer certificates and associate degrees in Applied Plant Sciences right here in our region.

Representatives from MSU and LMC will be on hand to answer your questions about the types of careers these programs can prepare you for, and how to enroll in these programs.

Certificates and degrees are available in:
Landscape Horticulture
Turfgrass Operations 
Commercial Horticulture Operations
Viticulture (grape growing)



Have something for sale, free or trade?  Advertise here!


Homeschool Performing Arts 2010-2011 season presents: 

Little Women--Kalamazoo
Performances: December 7-11
Auditions: August 12
Rehearsals: Thursdays, 10-6 beginning September 9
Little Women the Broadway Musical is based on the life of Louisa May Alcott and follows the adventures of her family as they grow up in Civil War America. This story of the March sisters is filled with a powerful score, dancing, laughter and even some tears, touching issues that are as relevant today as they were when the original novel was written. With music by Jason Howland, lyrics by Mindi Dickstein and book by Allan Knee, Little Women will remind us all of the true value of family and friendship. This show for students ages 13 and up requires a medium-sized chorus and has several lead roles for both males and females.

Meet Me in St. Louis--Grand Rapids
Performances: January 20-22, 2011
Auditions: August 10
Rehearsals: Tuesdays, 10-5 beginning September 7
Meet Me in St. Louis is an optimistic musical set during the 1904 World's fair.  Join the Smith family as their love and respect for one another is tempered with genuine humor during hard times. This rare treasure of musical theatre includes such familiar songs as "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas," "The Trolley Song" and "The Boy Next Door." This production calls for a large cast, ages 8 and up, with limited roles for children under 13.

Performances: April 7-9, 2011
Auditions: August 9
Rehearsals: Fridays, 10-5, January-April 
and 2-3 rehearsals per month in the fall
beginning September 17
Brigadoon spins the story of a mysterious Scottish village that disappears into the Highland mist and returns onl y one day every hundred years. Worlds collide when two American tourists stumble upon Brigadoon and all its inhabitants. A lush musical score, lively dances and gorgeous harmonies help weave the story of this Highland romance. Marking the first Broadway smash hit for Lerner and Loewe, the classic story of Brigadoon heralds the ideas of love, loyalty and sacrifice, for "when ye love someone deeply, anythin' is possible".

Annie Get Your Gun--Kalamazoo
Performances: May 5-14, 2011
Auditions: August 12
Rehearsals: Thursdays 10-5, January-April and 2-5 on Sept. 30, Oct. 14, 28 & Nov. 11
 Annie Get Your Gun, Irving Berlin's classic musical, features gunfights and glamour--old west style! Annie Oakley, a backwoods gal with a sure shot and quick wit, challenges dashing marksman Frank Butler, the star of Buffalo Bill's Wild West traveling show. Sparks fly faster than bullets, but the competition ricochets romance.  Featuring great songs like:  "There's No Business Like Show Business," "Anything You Can Do," "I Got The Sun In The Morning," and "You Can't Get A Man With A Gun."  Featuring Cowboys, Indians, and a large chorus of old-west style performers, this musical is sure to hit the bull's eye! 

Disney's The Aristocat Kids
Lansing Rehearsals: Fridays 8:30-11:10,  beginning September 10
Performances: November 6 
Auditions: August 9
Kalamazoo Rehearsals: Thursdays 8:30-11:30, beginning September 9
Performances: November 13
Auditions: August 12 
Grand Rapids Rehearsals: Tuesdays 9-12, beginning September 7
Performances: November 20
Auditions: August 10 
Disney's The Aristocats Kids takes audiences on a fast-paced adventure with memorable characters and jazzy songs. This 45-minute production focuses on actor development, vocals, and choreography. HPA Kids! is a great musical theatre experience for 8-12 year olds.  Sets, props and family commitment are minimal.

Homeschool Performing Arts, 7995 Timpson Ave. SE, Alto, MI 49302
Homeschool high school science classes: 
A deposit of $75 is required to hold a spot in either class.  Below are the age/grade levels we believe are appropriate for the courses we offer.  There are overlaps allowing for difference in maturity, science interests and math skill level prior to taking a course.  
Level    COURSE-Year offered            AGE range       GRADES         MATH SKILL LEVEL
    1      Physical Science-11/12   13-16            8-10     Pre-Algebra or Algebra
    1      Biology-10/11                            13-16            8-10     Pre-Algebra or Algebra
    2      Chemistry-11/12                        16-18            10-12   Algebra or Advanced Math
    2      Adv. Biology-10/11                    16-18            10-12   Algebra or Advanced Math
Courses in levels 1 or 2 can be taken in any order within that level but it is important to take Physical Science before taking Chemistry and Biology before taking Advanced Biology.
Note: It is my goal to continue offering these courses as long as they are needed but the above schedule cannot be considered a guarantee as personal circumstances could dictate otherwise.
Costs – Biology: $ 340 Tuition for the year
Advanced Biology: $400 Tuition for the year
Lab costs for either class: $90 approximate for the full year. The $75 deposit goes toward these lab costs.
Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Randy Graves, M.S.                                                                    

Anthony Beer is accepting new students of all ages in the South Bend , Mishawaka , Granger and Niles area.  His studio offers a wide range of opportunities for students to excel with his/her skills at the piano. The Studio exposes each student to many different styles of music, ranging from classical, jazz, religious and contemporary music. This enhances their musical knowledge in theory,music history and their musicianship and performance skills. His goal as a teacher is to nurture each student and to help them explore the beauty and love of music. He encourages all students to support the arts in their community.
He is conservatory trained as a classical pianist and teacher and has studied at Goshen College , IUSB and the Eastman School of Music in Rochester NY .
Contact: 574-292-2038 or email


The Homeschool HUB is collecting used textbooks.  Contact Diane Day: or 269-445-1900.

The Homeschool HUB is continuing to collect Campbell Soup labels, Campbell's Chunky Soup labels, Campbell's Healthy Request labels, Campbell's Select harvest, Franco-American, Pepperidge Farm, Spaghettios, Swanson, V-8 Beverages, V-8 Fusion, Prego Italian Sauces and Campbell's Food Service.   Give your labels to any board member or bring them to our homeschool functions.


We are still accepting Boxtops for education labels.  You can find these on:

Betty Crocker goods
Gold Medal Flour
Nestle products
Cascadian Farm products
Cocoa Puffs
Cookie Crisp
Country Cornflakes
Fiber One products
Golden Grahams
Honey Nut Clusters
Lucky Charms
Oatmeal Crisps
Green Giant vegetables
Pillsbury Toaster Strudel
Totino Pizza olls
Hamburger Helper meals
Old El Paso
Suddenly Salad
Fruit Flavored shapes
Nature Valley
Pull Ups
Avery School supplies

Go to Boxtops for for more info, and then SAVE SAVE SAVE  those labels.  Each one nets 10 cents and every 10 cents adds up. You can give them to any HUB board director or bring them to any of our functions that we will be having.  Thank-you!

While the Homeschool HUB believes that these events or opportunities may be of value to home educators, announcements do not constitute an endorsement by the Homeschool HUB, or its Board of Directors. It is the responsibility of individual parents to determine the appropriateness of any event or opportunity for their children.

Participation in any event is voluntary and the participant assumes complete responsibility and liability for themselves, their family, anyone accompanying them, and their personal property.