Homeschool HUB News Update--January 28

Homeschool HUB News Update--January 28

Homeschool HUB phone: 269-240-6094
email:   website:
Editor: Andrea Bikfalvy

The information below is offered to you as a service.  Please research and decide for yourself the value to your family.  The Homeschool HUB does not endorse any programs or services other than those offered by the Homeschool HUB.  
Send information to be added to the update no later than the Thursday before the week you want it to appear:


Details for the following events are on the calendar at:

February 4--Bowling at Strikes and Spares, 1:00-3:00, $5/pp
February 18--Homeschool Skate at USA Skate 1:00-3:00, $3/pp including skate rental.


1) Free Access to 900 Animated Books for a Year
2) Bethel to Host Colloquia Lecture Series
3) LMC Mendel Center Presents John Henry
4) Free Self-Education Online

1)Free Access to 900 Animated Books for a Year

All homeschoolers have been granted One Year Free Access to an online library of 900 interactive children's books for ages 2-13!

Houston, Texas - January 10, 2011 - "We saw a story about a company called Tom's Shoes where for every pair of shoes purchased they give away a pair to a child in need. We thought that was a pretty great idea so we decided to give away free subscriptions to our entire catalog of books to home schoolers
across the country with the hope that they will see why thousands of teachers subscribe to our theory that learning to read should be fun," says president Cliff Dew.

All home schoolers are being given a one year free subscription to their catalog of 900 animated books, lesson plans, quizzes, story songs, games and puzzles that inspire early childhood literacy for ages 2-13 free of charge now through 12/31/2011.

It¹s an award winning safe and secure "Kid's Friendly" website that helps kids discover the joys of learning to read. is ideal for English as a Second Language and English Immersion. There's even a whole library of books for kids with special needs.

Simply log on to their home page
and click on SUBSCRIBE NOW and use this as your COUPON CODE:
FREE COUPON CODE: learntoread (lower case letters)

2) Bethel to Host Colloquia Lecture Series

Bethel will host the first of two lectures in the Colloquia Lecture Series this semester on Thursday, Feb. 17 at 3:30 p.m. in the Academic Center at Bethel College, room 342.

Eugene Carpenter, Ph.D., professor of Old Testament, will speak on "Resident Aliens: God Loves Them." This presentation will cover briefly the Old Testament and relevant ancient Near Eastern materials on these groups of people with special attention to how God's people, Israel, were to treat and protect these classes of persons, especially the resident alien.

For more information about this lecture or future lectures, call 574.807.7190 or e-mail

3) LMC Mendel Center Presents John Henry

Thursday, February 3, 2011 at 10am & 12:30pm
Grades: 3-8

John Henry is a well-know figure of American folklore.  The production uses storytelling, drama, and music to bring the story of an American legend to life.  It is a tale that speaks to young and old alike and carries a strong contemporary parallel about the importance of our humanity in the face of changing technology.

Those interested in attending can call LMC Mainstage directly at 269-927-8100 to reserve tickets.

4) Free Self-Education Online

Here is a blog with a gazillion links to free college classes and other online educational resources on many subjects:


What is unschooling, anyway?




My friend, Hugo, wants to fill a cargo shipping container with musical instruments to take back to Chile with him in February.  He has been here studying to get his Masters in Conducting at Andrews University.  He has also been teaching a conversational Spanish class to local homeschoolers.  He returns to a job conducting orchestra and choir, and teaching, at a university.  He will have programs for younger students as well, and needs instruments for them.  He is also working to raise $20,000 for a full set of bells, to start bell choirs for all ages.  If you have an instrument you would be willing to donate please contact him.  He will even take them if they are not in working condition, to use for repair parts.  He lives near the university in southwest Michigan.  If you are nearby, he will pick up the instrument(s).  If you live a great distance from him, please box up your instrument and send it to him.  He is a wonderful, giving person, and he will put the instruments to great use helping children.

Contact him to arrange your donation of an instrument or money for the bells at:
Hugo Caceras
269 240-8866

Kathy Joyce

Looking for a group?  Join the HUB!

There are several benefits of membership including a travel club and a resource library that includes things like books, games, laptops, video cameras and other items to borrow. Members receive first chance at events and classes when availability is limited.  The cost of membership is only $24/year.  Information about becoming a member is on the website at  

Have something for sale, free or trade?  Advertise here!

Homeschool groups are welcome to advertise their group, too.  It's free!

LETTING IT RIDE: come to before you shop at Amazon.  You can either shop the Associate Store listed in the Menu bar or click on the "Help the Homeschool HUB - Purchase at Amazon" link just below the Menu bar. By using this link to Amazon The Homeschool HUB will earn money through Amazon's Associates program on everything you purchase. So whenever you think "Amazon" please remember your purchase can help The Homeschool HUB.

The Homeschool HUB is collecting used textbooks.  Contact Diane Day: or 269-445-1900.

The Homeschool HUB is continuing to collect Campbell Soup labels, Campbell's Chunky Soup labels, Campbell's Healthy Request labels, Campbell's Select harvest, Franco-American, Pepperidge Farm, Spaghettios, Swanson, V-8 Beverages, V-8 Fusion, Prego Italian Sauces and Campbell's Food Service.   Give your labels to any board member or bring them to our homeschool functions.


We are still accepting Boxtops for education labels.  You can find these on many products.

Go to Boxtops for for more info, and then SAVE SAVE SAVE  those labels.  Each one nets 10 cents and every 10 cents adds up. You can give them to any HUB board director or bring them to any of our functions that we will be having.  Thank-you!


While the Homeschool HUB believes that these events or opportunities may be of value to home educators, announcements do not constitute an endorsement by the Homeschool HUB, or its Board of Directors. It is the responsibility of individual parents to determine the appropriateness of any event or opportunity for their children.

Participation in any event is voluntary and the participant assumes complete responsibility and liability for themselves, their family, anyone accompanying them, and their personal property.

Homeschool HUB News Update--January 21

Homeschool HUB News Update--January 21

Homeschool HUB phone: 269-240-6094
email:   website:
Editor: Andrea Bikfalvy

The information below is offered to you as a service.  Please research and decide for yourself the value to your family.  The Homeschool HUB does not endorse any programs or services other than those offered by the Homeschool HUB.  
Send information to be added to the update no later than the Thursday before the week you want it to appear:


Details for the following events are on the calendar at:

January 28--Bowling at Strikes and Spares, 1:00-3:00, $5/pp
February 18--Homeschool Skate at USA Skate 1:00-3:00, $3/pp including skate rental.


1) Kid's Science Challenge 3rd-6th grade
2) My Friend has a Dream
3) Tiller's International Class List
4) Doodle 4 Google Art Contest
5) Working Scholarships for Homeschool Conventions
6) Discounts for Camp Tannadoonah
7) Graduation Ceremony for Class of 2011
8) Disney's The Jungle Book Kids
9) Earn money working Silverhawks concessions
10) Washington DC trip for homeschoolers in April

1) The Kid's Science Challenge is open for submissions now!

The Kids' Science Challenge is open to all legal U.S. residents who are
students enrolled in 3rd through 6th grade at a public, private, parochial,
or home school located in one of the 50 states or the District of Columbia.
For a student to officially enter he/she must be registered with the Kids'
Science Challenge and his/her submission must be uploaded, faxed or
postmarked between *October 1, 2010* and *February 28, 2011*. Limit one
entry per student or group per science topic. You may submit an entry for
each of the 3 science topics.

Click Submit Your Entry! to
complete the Kids' Science Challenge entry submission process. A parent or
guardian may register their child online and then complete the entry form
via the Kids' Science Challenge website. Alternatively, you can download the
Entry Form to be completed and faxed or mailed to the Kids' ScienceChallenge office.

2) My Friend has a Dream

My friend, Hugo, wants to fill a cargo shipping container with musical instruments to take back to Chile with him in February.  He has been here studying to get his Masters in Conducting at Andrews University.  He has also been teaching a conversational Spanish class to local homeschoolers.  He returns to a job conducting orchestra and choir, and teaching, at a university.  He will have programs for younger students as well, and needs instruments for them.  He is also working to raise $20,000 for a full set of bells, to start bell choirs for all ages.  If you have an instrument you would be willing to donate please contact him.  He will even take them if they are not in working condition, to use for repair parts.  He lives near the university in southwest Michigan.  If you are nearby, he will pick up the instrument(s).  If you live a great distance from him, please box up your instrument and send it to him.  He is a wonderful, giving person, and he will put the instruments to great use helping children.

Contact him to arrange your donation of an instrument or money for the bells at:
Hugo Caceras
269 240-8866

Kathy Joyce

3) Tiller's International Class List

Tiller's is located a little southeast of Kalamazoo , in Scotts, Michigan.
The class list for Jan – June is out.  Look at it here:

The classes are usually either 1 day, or 2-3 day seminars.  They include blacksmithing, carving wooden spoons, logging with draft animals, spinning wool, timber framing and raising, architectural ironwork, beekeeping, coopering, tinsmithing, cheesemaking, soap making, and many more.

4) Doodle 4 Google

Welcome to Doodle 4 Google, a competition where we invite K-12 students to use their artistic talents to think big and redesign Google's homepage logo for millions to see. At Google, we believe that dreaming about future possibilities leads to tomorrow's leaders and inventors, so this year we're inviting U.S. kids to exercise their creative imaginations around the theme, "What I'd like to do someday…"

Whether students want to find a cure for cancer or take a trip to the moon, it all starts with art supplies and some 8.5" x 11" paper. And, one lucky student artist will take home a $15,000 college scholarship and $25,000 technology grant for their school, among many other prizes.

Registration closes at 11:59:59 p.m. Pacific Time (PT) on March 2, 2011, and entries must be postmarked by March 16, 2011 11:59:59 p.m. Pacific Time (PT). The winning doodle will be featured on our homepage on May 20, 2011.

For full details go to:

5) Working Scholarships for Homeschool Conventions

As has always been our practice, each of the 2011 "Great Homeschool Conventions" will have WORKING SCHOLARSHIPS available. (Nobody has EVER been turned away that didn't have the money to register because of financial hardship.)

Here's how it works:

OPTION A - Mom or Dad may work a four-hour "volunteer" shift in exchange for their entire family being able to attend one entire day of the convention.

OPTION B - Mom or Dad may choose to work a six-hour "volunteer" shift in exchange for their entire family being able to attend the entire convention.

If you'd like to work one of these shifts, please send an email to "GreatHomeschoolConventions at" and be sure to type "WORKING SCHOLARSHIP" in the subject line of your email. Then, in the body of your email, please include the following information:

    * NAME
    * Which "DAY" you prefer to be scheduled to work

We will confirm both via phone and email.  We have always accommodated all working scholarship requests. However, you may have to work on a day other than your requested da.  Additionally, you will be required to "pay" the registration fee (cash or check) upon arrival at the convention, and then the registration fee will be refunded to you once you've completed your volunteer shift.

6) Discounts for Camp Tannadoonah

Camp Fire USA is entering its second century of serving America's boys and girls.  We have great early bird discounts, available until Jan. 31, for our resident Camp Tannadoonah in Vandalia, MI, and we are providing an additional $25 discount for new campers who hear about us through Home School Hub.  For this extra discount (available both before and after early bird deadline), type HUB in the referral box when registering.  Check us out at, or call 574-234-4145 with questions.

7) Graduation Ceremony for Class of 2011!!!

Margo Miller and Jenny Sergio are organizing a graduation ceremony for any Michiana area homeschooled graduating seniors. We will have an informative meeting on Tuesday, February 8th at the South Bend Public Library in the Dickinson room, 6:30 p.m.

This event has been taking place for many years and is a wonderful way to recognize and finalize your child's education. It will be a cap & gown ceremony, with a speaker and senior talents, along with the presentation of their diploma. Please contact one of us if you are interested or show up at the February meeting. Spread the word.

Other Scheduled meetings are:  
Tuesday, March 8th - 6:30 pm
Tuesday, April 12th - 6:30 pm
Tuesday, May 10th  - 6:30 pm
Jenny -  683-3886
Margo - 683-1474

8) Disney's The Jungle Book Kids

Homeschool groups are invited to the reduced price school performances of:

South Bend Civic Theatre's
Disney's The Jungle Book Kids (a kids4kids production)
Century Century, South Bend, IN
The following dates & times are available:
Monday, March 7 10:00 a.m. or 12:30 p.m.
Tuesday, March 8  9:15 a.m. or 12:30 p.m.
$2.00/person--for every 15 tickets purchased the group receives 1 free

Note: Tickets are available only if you register with other families as a school group--the larger the group; the better (for the sanity of the director who is handling all the school reservations).  The director expressly asks that groups try to keep the adult:student ratio at a minimum of 1:3 to a maximum of 1:10 (can be higher if the kids are older).  Too many adults (more than one parent per family) in attendance in homeschool groups may lead to stricter rules about homeschool groups in the future.

I will reserve tickets for those wishing to attend the March 7, 10:00 a.m. performance.  Please contact Cordelia Tomasino by February 8 at (269) 684-3454, or, if you wish to attend.

For other performance times, or for reservations after February 8, please have your group representative contact Sara Bartlett at or (574) 968-7496.

9) Earn money working Silverhawks concessions

The Homeschool HUB coordinates this opportunity for area homeschoolers to raise funds.  The money cannot be designated for an individual, but must go to a homeschool group, team, or event.  Each volunteer designates where we send the money they raise.  The volunteer mans a concession booth at a Silverhawks game and receives $31.50 for four to five hours of work.  Volunteers must be 16 yrs or older.  Here are the openings for this year.  Call Kathy Joyce at 269 695-1654 to sign up.

    Thu, June 2 - Need 1 person
    Sat, June 4 - Arrive 3:45pm - Need 12 people (Christian HOME graduation)
    Sat, June 18 - Arrive 3:45pm - Need 2 people
    Sat, June 25 - Arrive 3:45pm - Need 4 people
    Sun, July 3 - Arrive 5:45pm - Need 12 people
    Mon, July 4 - Arrive 5:45m - Need 16 people
    Sat, July 23 - Arrive 3:45pm - Need 1 person
    Sat, July 30 - Arrive 3:45pm - Need 2 people   

We need to know:

    --Name of person volunteering
    --Group person is earning funds for, who to make check out to and address to send it
    --Email address of person volunteering
    --Phone number of person volunteering

10) Washington DC trip for homeschoolers in April

This is being set up by a new homeschool travel group run by a homeschool couple.  The cost is $290/person.  They still have openings.  It is a Christian organization.

Their web site is here:

I've been reminded by some of you that our tentative date for the Washington DC Trip meeting has come and gone, and thank you for the reminder. Spring in DC is a wonderful time to visit, and I am certain that the scheduled April 12-16 dates have potential to be the perfect time for our trip, but we should cover some details first. Let's plan to meet on Monday, February 1 at the HSB located on Burlingame SW, just north of 56th in Wyoming MI. at 7pm. The meeting will cover details about travel, lodging, the itinerary, payment and answers to all of your questions.

For those of you already registered, thank you. It would be best to secure your spot by making your payment at this time. If you have not yet registered, there are some spots still available that will go on a first-come, first-served basis. Go to (the online registration page at the EDventours website) to let us know that you would like to go! This is an online registration that puts a time/date stamp on your entry and sends us a spreadsheet email with the results. Then we send you an acknowledgment to confirm receipt. If this does not work for you, simply email us here and we can get you signed up.

For those of you on our email list, and are receiving this message, consider it a reminder and an opportunity to get to know more about the trip, ask questions and still sign up for this outstanding offer.

We look forward to seeing you on February 1! (If you are unable to make the meeting, the materials presented will be available online at on February 2. And always feel free to contact us via email as needed.

God's Speed,


Free Online Books on many topics




Caleb Noble is a private math tutor in South Bend, and he'd like to offer his help to HUB members in the South Bend/Mishawaka area whose children are struggling with math (grades 7-12).  He's a former homeschool student himself and is familiar with the Saxon math curriculum (both as a student and a tutor).

Looking for a group?  Join the HUB!

There are several benefits of membership including a travel club and a resource library that includes things like books, games, laptops, video cameras and other items to borrow. Members receive first chance at events and classes when availability is limited.  The cost of membership is only $24/year.  Information about becoming a member is on the website at  

Have something for sale, free or trade?  Advertise here!

Homeschool groups are welcome to advertise their group, too.  It's free!

LETTING IT RIDE: come to before you shop at Amazon.  You can either shop the Associate Store listed in the Menu bar or click on the "Help the Homeschool HUB - Purchase at Amazon" link just below the Menu bar. By using this link to Amazon The Homeschool HUB will earn money through Amazon's Associates program on everything you purchase. So whenever you think "Amazon" please remember your purchase can help The Homeschool HUB.

The Homeschool HUB is collecting used textbooks.  Contact Diane Day: or 269-445-1900.

The Homeschool HUB is continuing to collect Campbell Soup labels, Campbell's Chunky Soup labels, Campbell's Healthy Request labels, Campbell's Select harvest, Franco-American, Pepperidge Farm, Spaghettios, Swanson, V-8 Beverages, V-8 Fusion, Prego Italian Sauces and Campbell's Food Service.   Give your labels to any board member or bring them to our homeschool functions.


We are still accepting Boxtops for education labels.  You can find these on many products.

Go to Boxtops for for more info, and then SAVE SAVE SAVE  those labels.  Each one nets 10 cents and every 10 cents adds up. You can give them to any HUB board director or bring them to any of our functions that we will be having.  Thank-you!


While the Homeschool HUB believes that these events or opportunities may be of value to home educators, announcements do not constitute an endorsement by the Homeschool HUB, or its Board of Directors. It is the responsibility of individual parents to determine the appropriateness of any event or opportunity for their children.

Participation in any event is voluntary and the participant assumes complete responsibility and liability for themselves, their family, anyone accompanying them, and their personal property.

Homeschool HUB News Update--January 14

Homeschool HUB News Update--January 14

Homeschool HUB phone: 269-240-6094
email:   website:
Editor: Andrea Bikfalvy

The information below is offered to you as a service.  Please research and decide for yourself the value to your family.  The Homeschool HUB does not endorse any programs or services other than those offered by the Homeschool HUB.  
Send information to be added to the update no later than the Thursday before the week you want it to appear:


Details for the following events are on the calendar at:

January 21--Bowling at Strikes and Spares, 1:00-3:00, $5/pp
January 20--HUB Board of Director's Meeting
February 18--Homeschool Skate at USA Skate 1:00-3:00, $3/pp including skate rental.


1) Help the HUB - Shop at Amazon
2) Niles Extended School Community Update
3) Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day at LMC
4) Spanish/English speaker needed
5) Standardized Testing Registration
6) Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day at Bethel

1) Help support the Homeschool HUB

Do you shop at Then please come to The Homeschool HUB website first. You can either shop the Associate Store listed in the Menu bar or click on the "Help the Homeschool HUB - Purchase at Amazon" link just below the Menu bar. By using this link to Amazon The Homeschool HUB will earn money through Amazon's Associates program on everything you purchase. So whenever you think "Amazon" please remember your purchase can help The Homeschool HUB.  Don't forget the other ways you can help located in the "Letting it Ride" Section of the Newsletter!

2) Niles Extended School Community Update

We are please to announce an extension to those of you that may have been unable to meet the previous deadline.  You may still elect to join the program.  Some classes may be closed due to start dates and classes being filled up.  Please contact Gail Bliss at or 269-683-0439 if you have any inquiries.  

3) Martin Luther King Jr Day at LMC

Please Join us for a Celebration of Freedom January 17, 2011, 1:00 pm, Bertrand Crossing Campus Room 109

Lake Michigan College Diversity Consultant Danny Sledge will be discussing "Inclusion: A Dream or A Vision".  Music provided by local artists.

4) Spanish/English speaker needed
A Doctor's office called here today with a desire to connect with someone willing to assist a fellow who speaks Spanish and no English but needs to have an eye exam.  The Eye Dr. has an office in the downtown St. Joseph area.  If you are interested in being of assistance or would like to learn more - contact:

Debra Panozzo
Adult and family volunteer coordinator
Volunteer Center of Southwest Michigan
269-983-0912 ext 303 St. Joseph
269-683-5464 ext 322 Niles

5) Standardized Testing Registration

Iowa Test of Basic Skills for 6-12th grade.  Scores of 90% or better allow the student to join national honor societies.  See attached file for details.

6) Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day at Bethel

Bethel students, staff and faculty will celebrate MLK day with various cross-cultural events and field trips on Monday, Jan. 17.

"Some of the events may not seem connected with the celebration of MLK Day to an outsider," says Dennis Engbrecht, Ph.D., senior vice president. "However, Bethel's multi-ethnic resource team and the center for intercultural development wanted to use this occasion to provide cross-cultural exposure in order that the college might enhance the intercultural competence of our faculty, staff and students."

Here are some of the events that will take place:

Telling the Stories
Coordinator: Dennis Engbrecht, Ph.D.

Description: Rebecca Johnson was born in Mississippi in 1935 and lived there until moving with her family to South Bend. Johnson will share her experience growing up as an African-American girl in the pre-Civil Rights South along with life for African-Americans in South Bend during the 1950s. Johnson is a leader in the local NAACP.

Time: Noon-2 p.m.
Location: Bethel campus, President's Dining Room
Come to the Table: A Celebration of Grace and Community
Coordinators: Katie Weakland, Ph.D. and Student DaVonne Harris

Description: Participants will engage in a prayerful reflection and worship time to celebrate the grace, forgiveness, love and community made possible through the cross of Christ. A fascinating aspect of this activity includes artistically decorating a table in a diverse and intriguing fashion as an act of corporate worship.

Time: 2-4 p.m.
Location: Bethel campus, Taylor Log Chapel

Visit Ten Thousand Villages
Coordinator: Elizabeth McLaughlin, Ph.D.

Description: An introduction to an outreach to artisans in emerging nations by the Mennonite Central Committee.

Time: TBD
Location: TBD

Going Amish
Coordinator: Dennis Engbrecht, Ph.D.

Description: Students will have the opportunity to eat dinner in an Amish home and interact with an individual raised Amish. There will be opportunity for questions and answers regarding Amish beliefs, culture and lifestyle.

Time: 4-7 p.m.
Location: CR 100 & SR 6, Nappanee, Ind.

Martin Luther King Celebration Concert
Coordinator: Kathy Gribbin, Ph.D.

Description: An evening honoring Dr. King with music by African-American composers, including Joseph Schwanter, William Grant Still and Uzee Brown.

Time: 7 p.m.
Location: IUSB, North Side Hall Auditorium

Coordinator: Christian Davis, Ph.D.

Description: The film, "Amistad," will be shown followed by a discussion. The movie "Amistad," recreates the historical events of the 1839 revolt of African slaves aboard the slave ship Amistad and the subsequent struggle in U.S. courts to prove that these Africans were human beings with natural rights and not merely property. This case was pivotal in the rise of the movement to abolish slavery and to assert the human rights of Africans and African Americans.

Time: 2 p.m.
Location: Bethel Campus, Miller-Moore Academic Center Room 342

Visit the Northern Indiana Center for History
Coordinator: Hermalena Powell

Description: There are three displays that are of significance for this visit: the Native American display which includes artwork and artifacts, the "Women in Baseball" display which includes historic photographs and facts, and the "Liberty on the Border" display which talks about The Civil War years as well as the time leading up to the war and the decades. Our group will be on a self-guided tour. Price of entry is free. A snack at the café will be provided.

Time: 2:30 p.m.
Location: 808 W. Washington St., South Bend, Ind.

"Life and Debt" (and FREE Jamaican jerk chicken)
Coordinators: Professors Tim Erdel, Ph.D., Theo Williams and Robby Prenkert (all ex-missionaries in Jamaica)

Description: Join us for a taste of "Theo's searing Jamaican jerk chicken" and the story of the effects of globalization and crippling debt on an "island paradise" — Jamaica. We will be watching the powerful and provocative film, "Life and Debt," sampling some great Jamaican food and sharing some of our own stories of Jamaica.

Time: 3:30-5:30 p.m.
Location: Bethel campus, CC-102

Please contact Jaimee Thirion at 574.807.7381 if you are media interested in covering one of these events.


NASA's Space Place for kids - lots of fun things to do!



Caleb Noble is a private math tutor in South Bend, and he'd like to offer his help to HUB members in the South Bend/Mishawaka area whose children are struggling with math (grades 7-12).  He's a former homeschool student himself and is familiar with the Saxon math curriculum (both as a student and a tutor).

Looking for a group?  Join the HUB!

There are several benefits of membership including a travel club and a resource library that includes things like books, games, laptops, video cameras and other items to borrow. Members receive first chance at events and classes when availability is limited.  The cost of membership is only $24/year.  Information about becoming a member is on the website at  

Have something for sale, free or trade?  Advertise here!

Homeschool groups are welcome to advertise their group, too.  It's free!


The Homeschool HUB is collecting used textbooks.  Contact Diane Day: or 269-445-1900.

The Homeschool HUB is continuing to collect Campbell Soup labels, Campbell's Chunky Soup labels, Campbell's Healthy Request labels, Campbell's Select harvest, Franco-American, Pepperidge Farm, Spaghettios, Swanson, V-8 Beverages, V-8 Fusion, Prego Italian Sauces and Campbell's Food Service.   Give your labels to any board member or bring them to our homeschool functions.


We are still accepting Boxtops for education labels.  You can find these on many products.

Go to Boxtops for for more info, and then SAVE SAVE SAVE  those labels.  Each one nets 10 cents and every 10 cents adds up. You can give them to any HUB board director or bring them to any of our functions that we will be having.  Thank-you!


While the Homeschool HUB believes that these events or opportunities may be of value to home educators, announcements do not constitute an endorsement by the Homeschool HUB, or its Board of Directors. It is the responsibility of individual parents to determine the appropriateness of any event or opportunity for their children.

Participation in any event is voluntary and the participant assumes complete responsibility and liability for themselves, their family, anyone accompanying them, and their personal property.

games night moved to next Friday night

The HUB games night has been moved to the 21st at 7pm in Niles.  Sorry for the late notice, I forgot to send this out yesterday.


Homeschool HUB News Update--December 17

Homeschool HUB News Update--December 17

Homeschool HUB phone: 269-240-6094
email:   website:
Editor: Andrea Bikfalvy
The information below is offered to you as a service.  Please research and decide for yourself the value to your family.  The Homeschool HUB does not endorse any programs or services other than those offered by the Homeschool HUB. 
Send information to be added to the update no later than the Thursday before the week you want it to appear:

Details for the following events are on the calendar at:
January 14--Bowling at Strikes and Spares, 1:00-3:00, $5/pp
January 14--HUB Games Night at Niles Police Station Complex
January 21--Homeschool Skate at USA Skate 1:00-3:00, $3/pp including skate rental.

1) Tubing and Cross Country Skiing at Five Pines
2) Niles Extended School Community Update
3) Upcoming Plays
4) Harlem Globetrotters - Homeschoolers Group Rate
5) Scholarship Contests for grades 6-12
6) Volunteer on MLK Day/Honor Dr. King
7) Tennis Class for Homeschoolers - reduced rate
8) Time for Juniors and Seniors to sign up for MME test
9) Free Junior Tennis Clinic at Notre Dame
1) Tubing and Cross Country Skiing at Five Pines
Tubing/Skiing days at Five Pines will be January 14 & February 11 from 10 am - 2pm. Costs are Tubing or Skiing $6 both for $9.  Hope to see you there!
**New this year** Five Pines is requirig a "Assumption of Risk & Release Form" to be filled out by parents of each participant.  If you are accompanying your child, you may fill one out at Five PInes.  If you are sending your child/ren with someone else, they will need to have the form in hand, filled out by parent,  before they can participate.  The form is available for download through the attachment in this email.
2) Niles Extended School Community Update
The deadline for registering is January 14th.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact Gail Bliss at 269-683-0439 or by email at
3) Upcoming Plays
Mainstage Theatre at Lake Michigan College is presenting the educational performance of historic  "John Henry".  Tickets have been reserved for the 10 am performance on February 3, 2011.  The cost is $3 per seat and paid reservations are required to secure your seat.  Please contact Diane Day, 269-445-1900/269-370-4589, no later than January 17, 2011.
Bethel College Theatre Department is presenting "Cinderella" February 10, 11 & 12.  They have graciously provided us with a discounted matinee performance on February 10 at 9:30 am.  Tickets for this performance are $5 per student, teachers attend free.  Paid reservations are required and tickets may be purchased through Diane Day, 269-445-1900/269-370-4589.  There is limited availability so please reserve soon.

4) Harlem Globetrotters - Homeschoolers Group Rate!
Ever see the Harlem Globetrotters in action??? There is an opportunity coming up to do just that and at a discounted price! They will be at Notre Dame at the Purcell Pavilion, Friday January 21, 2011. All homeschoolers, and their families and friends are invited to join us in this event! The cost is $15.00 per ticket at our price! (They are regularly $28.00.) So we are getting a great deal with this!
We only need 20 people for this rate, but can have up to 200.
Ok, gang, who wants to join us?? Please let me know by Monday the 15th.
For more info email me at:
or you can call or text me:
You can check them out online at
I always wanted to go as a kid but never had the opportunity, now we all do!
5) Scholarship Contests for grades 6-12
VA Sponsored Youth Competitions
1) They have a high school patriotic art contest with an entry deadline of March 31st.  Top prize is $10,000.  The info is here:
2) They have a high school public speaking contest with a top prize of a $30,000 scholarship.  Here is the description from their web site:
Students should first draft their essay based on the 2011-2012 theme: "Is There Pride in Serving in Our Military?" Students should then record their reading of the draft to a CD. The recording should be no shorter than 3 minutes and no longer than 5 minutes (plus or minus 5 seconds).
Entries begin at the Post level. Once the student has created their essay and completed burning the audio version to a CD, they should submit their typed version, CD and the Voice of Democracy entry form to their local participating VFW Post no later than November 1, 2011.
More info and entry forms to download are here: 
3) They have a junior high (grades 6, 7, 8) essay competition with a top prize of a $10,000 savings bond.
Students should first ask a teacher or youth group leader to supervise their progress in the competition. Then the student should contact a local participating VFW Post and establish a contact person who is a member of that Post or its Ladies Auxiliary.
Next, it's time to start drafting considering the 2011-2012 theme: "Are You Proud of Your Country?" Essays must be no less than 300 words and should not exceed 400 words and should be submitted to the Post, along with the completed Patriot's Pen entry form no later than November 1, 2011.
More info and entry forms are here:
All entries must be submitted to a VFW Post competition. If you have difficulty identifying a sponsoring Post in your area, call the Patriot's Pen national office at: (816) 756-3390, ext. 220 or e-mail:

6) Volunteer on MLK Day/Honor Dr. King
"Everyone can be great because everyone can serve."  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
To honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, consider serving as a volunteer making it a day on rather than a day off in the recognition of his birthday.
FOCUS:    Mentoring
WHERE:    Lake Michigan College , Napier Ave , Benton Harbor
WHO:      People attending the annual M.L.K. Day breakfast and program. 
WHEN:     Monday, Jan. 17 from 7:45 to 10 a.m.
ACTIVITY: Reflect on who mentored them and/or how Dr. King impacted their life writing their thoughts on a public display.  Consider becoming a mentor. 
EAT:      You are invited to the breakfast and program but please RSVP to Kathy at LMC 927-6197. 
FOCUS:    Provide encouraging cards to homebound individuals
WHERE:    YMCA of Benton Harbor/St. Joseph, 3665 Hollywood , St. Joseph
          YMCA of Buchanan/Niles, 905 Front St . , Niles
WHEN:     Monday, Jan. 17 through out the day. 
ACTIVITY: 1)  There will be a table in the lobby of each YMCA where individuals can stop and create cards to be delivered to homebound individuals with their Meals on Wheels.  It will brighten their day to be remembered on a cold winter day.  You can dedicate an hour or more to monitor the table at the YMCA, encouraging people to make cards or making cards yourself.  Idea: Make a card with a quote from Dr. King honoring his legacy. 
2)  Making cards can be a service learning activity where ever children, youth or adults are gathered together.  Cards will be passed on to Senior Nutrition Services and delivered with Meals on Wheels.  Make cards at home with your kids, at work with coworkers or at church with friends. 
Later that week:
FOCUS:    WE CAN! promoting a healthy lifestyle for children WE CAN! Ways to Enhance Children's Activity and Nutrition
WHERE:    Emergency Shelter Services, 645 Pipestone, Benton Harbor
          Church in Niles (details to follow)
WHO:      Emergency Shelter Services hosts a monthly support group for individuals and families who coming out of homelessness. 
WHEN:     Wednesday, Jan. 19 in Benton Harbor , 6 to 7:30 pm
          Wednesday, Jan. 26 in Niles , noon to 1:30 pm
ACTIVITY: Everyone will have a meal together.  The adults will have a presentation about the life and legacy of Dr. King, the children will do activities focusing on nutrition, exercise and healthy living.
TASKS:    1)  Transport clients from their home to meeting place and back home again.
2)  Meal: donate food; prepare food, serve the meal, or do clean up.
3)  Children: lead older children in activities, assist children as needed, care for toddlers and babies not able to do activity. 
If you cannot come for entire time perhaps you can participate for part of the time and/or help with preparing or donating. 
Want to get connected or have questions? Contact:
Debra Panozzo
Adult and family volunteer coordinator
Volunteer Center of Southwest Michigan
269-983-0912 ext 303 St. Joseph
269-683-5464 ext 322 Niles
7) Tennis anyone?
The HUB has an excellent opportunity for students who want to try their hand at tennis or continue instruction they started at another time. The Lakeland Athletic Club in Niles (on 3rd St.) offers a tennis class just for homeschoolers at a much reduced rate. The class is currently listed to take place on Wednesdays starting on March 9 and runs until June 1. The day is flexible--those interested could change the day if it's more convenient on another day for everyone. Each class is 1.5 hours long and is $10.50 a class--for 13 weeks that's a total of $136.50 (compared to $260 at the normal rate).
There are currently 6 kids enrolled and we need at least 2 more for this class to take place. This class is also listed as a "community resource class" through both the Berrien Springs and Niles homeschool programs. If you're enrolled in either of those programs, you can sign up for this class AT NO COST TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. Please email me @ or call my cell @ 219-628-4322 if you or someone you know is interested.
8) Time for Juniors and Seniors to sign up for MME test
The Michigan Merit Exam is the yearly assessment test used by the public schools.  If your student is in 11th or 12th grade now is the time to contact your local public high school to arrange for your student to take the exam in early March.  The school needs enough notice to order the correct number of tests.  This gives you a free ACT college entrance exam score that can be used to apply to college.  More info is located here:
If your student tends to do very well on standardized tests (above 95th percentile or so) they may also use the MME test scores to apply for a Byrd scholarship.  It is a $1,500 award that is annually renewable.  It is base on a combination of the student's MME score and gradepoint average, both of which must be very high in order to qualify.  Info on the scholarship is located here:
9) Free Junior Tennis Clinic at Notre Dame
Sponsored by the Notre Dame Men's Tennis Team and the South Bend Community Tennis Association. 
When:  Jan 15.  9am - 10:15am for age 14 and under.  10:30am - 11:45am for high school players.
Where:  Eck Tennis Pavilion on Notre Dame campus.  Off Twykenham just north of Angela/Edison across from the soccer field
Note:  Please bring a clean pair of non-marking tennis shoes to change from street shoes/boots.

NASA's Space Place for kids - lots of fun things to do!
Looking for a group?  Join the HUB!
There are several benefits of membership including a travel club and a resource library that includes things like books, games, laptops, video cameras and other items to borrow. Members receive first chance at events and classes when availability is limited.  The cost of membership is only $24/year.  Information about becoming a member is on the website at 

Have something for sale, free or trade?  Advertise here!
Homeschool groups are welcome to advertise their group, too.  It's free!
The Homeschool HUB is collecting used textbooks.  Contact Diane Day: or 269-445-1900.
The Homeschool HUB is continuing to collect Campbell Soup labels, Campbell's Chunky Soup labels, Campbell's Healthy Request labels, Campbell's Select harvest, Franco-American, Pepperidge Farm, Spaghettios, Swanson, V-8 Beverages, V-8 Fusion, Prego Italian Sauces and Campbell's Food Service.   Give your labels to any board member or bring them to our homeschool functions.
We are still accepting Boxtops for education labels.  You can find these on many products.
Go to Boxtops for for more info, and then SAVE SAVE SAVE  those labels.  Each one nets 10 cents and every 10 cents adds up. You can give them to any HUB board director or bring them to any of our functions that we will be having.  Thank-you!
While the Homeschool HUB believes that these events or opportunities may be of value to home educators, announcements do not constitute an endorsement by the Homeschool HUB, or its Board of Directors. It is the responsibility of individual parents to determine the appropriateness of any event or opportunity for their children.
Participation in any event is voluntary and the participant assumes complete responsibility and liability for themselves, their family, anyone accompanying them, and their personal property.