[homeschoolhub] Soccer in Song, Mon., 7/1, 3-5 p.m.


(Sung to the tune of "Gilligan's Island.")

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,
A tale of a soccer game,
That started six short years ago,
Each week it's just the same.

The coach is a handsome lawyer, and
The players cute and fast.
Regardless of their skill or not
No one is picked last,
No one is last.

The weather should cooperate,
The tiny team will run,
If not for virtue of the older team
They would have no fun,
Have no fun.

The game will meet each Monday afternoon in Howard Park
With Floyd the boy,
Not coach Tom though
Veronica and now Chris,
The historian,
The professor and Herbie
Every Monday three to five,

- by Dr. Jennifer

Everyone is valued regardless of age, skill or level of fitness.

At Howard Park at the corner of St. Louis and Jefferson Boulevards in South Bend, Indiana, Monday, July 1 from 3 to 5 p.m.

I wish I could be there.


Tom Borek

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Re: [homeschoolhub] FW: Yvonna Applewhite


This is spam. Don't click on it.  The member has been put on moderated status for now, so no more spam should get through.

On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 7:42 AM, Yvonna Applewhite <ask4yvonna@yahoo.com> wrote:

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[homeschoolhub] FW: Yvonna Applewhite


[homeschoolhub] Heavily Hoosier Soccer, Mon. 6/10, 3-5 p.m.


Did you recognize the out-of-staters last week? They were the ones in the matching sox and shin guards!

This time we're likely to be "Hoosier Heavy," i.e., to play a game dominated by Indiana residents. It's happened before. Let's hope it will happen again.

Everyone will be appreciated regardless of age, gender or level of skill or fitness.

Monday, June 10, 3-5 p.m. at Howard Park at the corner of St. Louis and Jefferson Blvds. in South Bend.


Tom Borek

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[homeschoolhub] Soccer Diplomacy, Mon. 6/3, 3-5 p.m.


On Memorial Day, we had a terrific game including a number of terrific friends from the wilderness to the north. This week we are expecting a different group of out-of-staters. Meet 'em, greet 'em, and try 'n beat 'em!

Everyone will be appreciated regardless of age, gender or level of skill or fitness.

Monday, June 3, 3-5 p.m. at Howard Park at the corner of St. Louis and Jefferson Blvds. in South Bend.


Tom Borek

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[homeschoolhub] File - Important Info


This post will go out each month as a reminder. Just delete it once you have it memorized. :-)

First, you can access the website at hshub.org. It is FULL of info on local groups, homeschooling, contests, scholarships, how to make your own free/nearly free individualized curriculum, fun youtube videos, etc. If you haven't been there in a while, check it out! New homeschoolers might especially find this article useful: http://hshub.org/New_to_Homeschooling_.html

Second, if you haven't signed up for the weekly email newsletter, YOU ARE MISSING OUT! It is full of events, field trips, activities, scholarships, volunteer opportunities, etc. for families. To sign up, go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HUBnewsletter/ OR send an email to the following address: HUBnewsletter-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

Third, the Homeschool HUB is a volunteer organization. We need local homeschool support to continue to function. Please consider helping out. You can serve on the board, teach a class, organize a play group, organize a field trip, teach a one-night workshop (on anything--cooking pizza, using Prezi or MS Word, painting, martial arts, dog breeds, Chinese culture...), throw a party, host a Shakespeare club, give a talk, or anything else you can think of. If you're interested in something, chances are another homeschooler will be, too.

Thank you!

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