Homeschool HUB Weekly News--Aug. 30


Homeschool HUB Weekly News--Aug. 30
Homeschool HUB phone: (269)683-1384
email:   website:
Editor: Annette Ernsperger (on vacation, Kathy Joyce subbing)
The information below is offered to you as a service.  Please research and decide for yourself the value to your family.  The Homeschool HUB does not endorse any programs or services other than those offered by the Homeschool HUB. 

Send information to be added to the update no later than the Thursday before the week you want it to appear:


Details for the following events are on the calendar at:

Sept. 1--Homeschool swimming at Clear Lake (see calendar for details), $1

Sept. 2--Touch football, Oddfellows Park (near Hwy 12 and Bond St in Niles), 2:00
Sept. 4--Homeschool bowling, 1:00, Strikes and Spares, Mishawaka, $5




2) Live theater at the Mendel Center
3) Shakespeare class
4) CAMPE classes
5) We Can Change the World Challenge
Greener Indiana
Student Research Paper Contest - Dell Laptop Prizes

8) Niles Library Sept Children's Dept. events

9) Great Wolf Lodge for a great price

10) Alliance for the Great Lake's Annual Beach Clean Up Sept 19

11) Bible Quizzing

12) Creation Science Symposium

13) Please save those boxtops, soup labels, and books for the Homeschool HUB

And LAST BUT NOT LEAST: classified ads and links of interest at the end of your weekly news. 


1) JEWELS (Juniors Exploring Wonderful Earth Sciences and Lapidary Arts)

A Home School Rock Club, which is open to all age children.  

Children under age 10 will need to be accompanied to all meetings and field trips by a parent.  

We work on projects and studies, in which merit badges will be earned.  

We are sponsored by the Michiana Gem and Mineral Society.

We meet monthly, on a Wed. Eve. from 4:00-5:30.


First meeting will take place Wed. 9  September at my home located at 1260 Mossy Lane, Mishawaka, IN 

(Located behind the Meijer Store at 331 and Hwy 20 intersection.)


September 9th will be a Meteorite Party as we learn about Meteorites and eat Meteorite snacks.

We plan to welcome new members who have signed up and give out badges earned last year by those who completed projects.


If you have interest in your child being a part of this group, and attending this gathering, please contact me to RSVP you will be here!


We look forward to seeing everyone and learning about Rocks, Minerals, Fossils and Gemstones this year!


Cordelia and Valerie


Valerie Boruff

1260 Mossy Lane

Mishawaka, IN  46544



2) Live theater at the Mendel Center

The theatre season is fast approaching and I have been busy looking for performances in our area that will participate with our group.  So far I have reserved seats for 3 performances at Mendel Center.  The first one will be on Friday, October 30, 2009 at 10am.  "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing".  The second show is scheduled for February 5, 2010 also at 10 am and it is titled, "Harriet Tubman".  The third show is scheduled for Monday, March 22, 2010 also at 10 am and it is titled, "Are You My Mother?". 

All shows are $3 per seat and are prepaid a month in advance.  If you would like more information, you may check out the website at  If you would like to reserve seats you can send a check to Diane Day, 21800 Fox Street, Cassopolis, MI, 49031.  Please include your phone number and how many seats to reserve.

Email with questions.

Stay tuned to the update for more information on upcoming plays and shows.



3) Shakespeare Class (note that cost is included this time)
    The Tempest was Shakespeare's last and best play. It is rich in interesting characters, symbolism, mysticism, magic, mythology and humor!
    As we study the play we will interject facts about the life of Shakespeare and the workings of the Elizabethan theater. Meet Shakespeare the man, the husband, the playwright as he lived in Stratford upon Avon and London. Learn about censorship and the Master of Revels. See the play through the eyes of the "groundlings" at the Globe Theater. We will take you inside the Globe, go backstage and explore the inner workings of this wonderful theater.
    Please join us for an hour and a half one day a week. Come - Share the fun!

    Bob Cashbaugh will teach this Shakespeare class for students ages 12 and up, adults welcome. We will be reading the Tempest aloud (it will be age appropriate) and Bob will make the original script understandable for teens. There will be a small charge for the scripts. The class will be $20 a month or $30 a month for more than one family member. We will meet in Niles (or possibly Berrien Springs) on Thursdays at 1:15pm - 3:00pm. Location TBA. The class will run for 12 weeks starting Thursday, September 17th and ending December 10th.
    If you have questions or would like to sign up please contact Jane Kerr at:


4) CAMPE classes

I wanted to share an option with those of you who might live within the Penn School Dist. (Elm Elementary) and desire to have your children attend the following classes.


Elm Elementary allows home school children to join their CAMPE classes.  (These are: Computer, Art, Music and PE along with Library time)

They block teach these classes.  5th grade students have CAMPE from 10:20 - end of school day on Wednesdays. and 9:10 - 10:55 on Mondays.


If you have any questions, please feel free to either call the school, or myself about our experience with this.


Valerie Boruff

574 276-0642


5) We Can Change the World Challenge

Beginning August 19, 2009 through March 15, 2010, student teams from across the country will be challenged to create sustainable, reproducible environmental improvements in their local communities.  Divisions for grades K-2, 3-5, & 6-8.

The Siemens Foundation, Discovery Education, and the National Science Teachers Association invite you to join the only challenge of its kind that empowers students to create solutions to environmental problems in their own back yards, and to share their results with students nationwide.  They'll learn.  They'll take action.  And their ideas may well end up changing the world.

It's the opportunity to make a difference and win great prizes that celebrate innovation.  Top prizes will include a chance to appear on Discovery Network's Planet Green, a share in thousands of dollars in savings bonds, a Discovery Adventure trip and more.

Go to:

6) Greener Indiana

Everybody can do something to make a Greener Indiana!

Please review these web sites and plan to attend the Festival in Valparaiso on Sept 4th and 5th!

at the Porter Co. Fairgrounds!

Valerie Boruff


7) Student Research Paper Contest - Dell Laptop Prizes
We've got a great new research paper contest starting
now. If you would like to participate, you can get
details and register free here:

     The Contest Prizes Are:

1st Place Prize: Dell 17 inch laptop computer
2nd Place Prize: Dell 15 inch laptop computer
3rd Place Prize: Dell mini 10 inch laptop computer

Don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions:
office: 828-265-4101 or cell: 828-964-1662

Greg Landry, M.S.


8) Niles Library Sept Children's Dept. events

  • Chess Club will meet only once in September and that will be on September 19th at 9:30 a.m. The September 5th meeting is cancelled because the library will be closed for a long Labor Day weekend. Marty Klubeck will challenge the experts and teach the beginners at this first Fall session. Come and bring your friends.
  • On September 19th at 1:00 p.m. the Britannia Society will perform Stone Soup.   This old tale takes place when three hungry British soldiers come to a French town where all the food has been hidden. They set out to make soup of water and stones and soon all the town enjoys a feast. Stone Soup may be served to the audience so you will not want to miss this "tasty" story.
  • From September 2 to October 7 the Preschoolers will march through the jungle listening to stories about monkeys, lions, elephants, hippos and more wild creatures. There is no registration for these Wednesday programs that start at 9:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. At every session the children have an opportunity to interact with other kids, receive coloring pages and pick out other books about that day's wild animal. Our picture book area is brimming with fun stories about the jungle as your children will learn.
  • Squigglers meet at 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. every Wednesday to learn Mother Goose Rhymes, play in the band, & bend and stretch with Squiggle Bear. During September this lap-sit group will learn about wild animals in the zoo. There is no registration.
  • Featured in our September displays will be Back-To-School Blues, Apples, Johnny Appleseed, Native Americans, and librarians.  Also one of our most popular displays about challenged or banned books will be presented. Walk through the Children's Department, pick up crafts and coloring pages and see these interesting book displays. All of the books on display can be checked out.
  • Our Jr. Garden Club is sponsored by the Niles Garden Club and was granted a charter and membership to the National Garden Clubs, Inc and the Michigan Garden Clubs, Inc.  All children are welcome to the Saturday meetings that gather at 1:00 p.m.  Their goal is to promote community beautification, horticulture, environmental action and floral design. This year they will meet on September 12, November 14, December 12, February 13, March 20 and May 8.  

9) Great Wolf Lodge for a great price

Hello.  I am writing in hopes that you would be willing to share some information with your network of homeschooling families.  I work for an organization called Lifeline Youth & Family Services and we help children and families who have been the victims of abuse and neglect. As a fundraiser for the past 10 years we have been holding an event in Northern Michigan called Fish with the Pros – for kids… to make a long story short, we blocked rooms for our 2009 event two years ago at the Great Wolf Lodge in Traverse City and because of the economy, have lost a large portion of our expected group.  Unfortunately, we are left to fill these rooms or pay for them. 

If you think any of your homeschooling families might be interested in staying at Great Wolf Lodge at a discounted rate, please pass this information along:

Where: Great Wolf Lodge, Traverse City, Michigan

Dates:  October 7-11, 2009

Rates: Wednesday - $89, Thursday - $89, Friday - $104, Saturday - $104

Suite Style: Family Suite with a four person occupancy…Including waterpark passes!

To make reservations:  PROMO CODE: 0910LIFE

For more Information about the event:

For more information about our not-for-profit:

10) Alliance for the Great Lake's Annual Beach Clean Up Sept 19

Join thousands of people in caring for our Great Lakes shorelines during the Alliance for the Great Lake 's annual beach clean up.  This is the World's largest shoreline cleanup and is part of an international coastal clean up effort.  In 2008, over 6,000 volunteers removed 24,698 pounds of trash from beaches and shorelines in Michigan , Indiana and Illinois .  To register visit  Many local beaches are involved and you can even check out having your family lead a clean up at an unclaimed beach. This year the Volunteer Center is adopting the New Buffalo Beach and is inviting everyone to come out and help 10 a.m. until 1 p.m.  Visit this opportunity on-line or call Callie at 983-0912 for more information


Site Name:

Availability for 2009:

Cleanup Date and Time:

Hagar Park

Site available.


Jean Klock Park

New volunteers welcome.

Saturday September 19, 2009 at 09:00 AM

Lincoln Township Beach - North

Site available.


Lincoln Township Beach - South

New volunteers welcome.

Saturday September 19, 2009 at 09:00 AM

Lions Park Beach

New volunteers welcome.

Saturday September 19, 2009 at 09:00 AM

Michiana Shores - Stop 37

Site available.


New Buffalo City Beach

New volunteers welcome.

Saturday September 19, 2009 at 10:00 AM

Roadside Park

Site available.


Rocky Gap

New volunteers welcome.

Thursday September 24, 2009 at 5:00 PM

Silver Beach

Site available.


Thunder Moutain

Site available.


Tiscornia Beach

New volunteers welcome.

Saturday September 19, 2009 at 08:00 AM

Warren Dunes State Park

Site available.


Weko Beach

Site available.



11) Bible Quizzing

                                                             Quizzing 2009

                                                             Samuel D. Judge

My name is Samuel D. Judge. I live in Berrien Springs, Michigan and go to Berrien Center Bible Church (or as people who go there call it, BCBC). I have quizzed at BCBC for 5 years and am going on my 6th. I have learned over 3000 verses in Matthew, Romans, James, Acts, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon, Luke, and 1st and 2nd Corinthians. I enjoy quizzing because it makes learning the Bible fun and it allows me to compete in doing so! I also love the social aspect of it. I've met many people in my quizzing career and all of them are amazing people. I also find it very useful when talking to people about God. I can pull these verses out without a Bible. I can tell people where they are and I have rough overview and understanding of what the Bible is. A personal favorite part of the quizzing program is the discussions it causes and the contests it starts. You see so many different views on it and you get a chance to argue about it! It really is one of the most amazing things I have ever done.


Now, this year we are implementing an exciting new change in the program! There will be two leagues: Berrien League and Detroit League.


Berrien League~ This is a league for new quizzers who are learning to quiz and more experienced quizzers who don't wish to participate to a great extent or don't have time to study to Detroit's standards. This league will meet every month on a Sunday usually at Berrien Center Bible Church on M-140. These people are given 10 verses and 90 questions to study for the quiz. They will be trained in the game of quizzing and will learn how to study and learn the Scriptures. In November and March, there will be two tournaments available for the league in which they will put all the Bible knowledge they have over the year into effect. They will quiz against Detroit, Berrien, Iowa, Ohio, Maine, Minnesota, and Ann Arbor. These are the best quizzers in the Midwest, and some of the best people you will meet in this part of the country. These tournaments are optional but I would very strongly recommend them.


Detroit League~ This is for the more serious studiers who are willing to give it their all. We will be competing in Detroit with some of the best quizzers and coaches in the nation. The location of the quizzes varies based on the month, but as a general rule, our group will leave the church at 7 AM in order to arrive in Detroit by noon. We will quiz until approximately 5 o'clock and then drive back, which sets our return arrival at approximately 9 p.m., In order to go on this 14-hour expedition, the participant must study hard enough to "qualify". If participants have a bad month of studying, you stay home. It's that simple. I don't want to discourage anyone from joining the Detroit league, in any way. However  I don't want to lie so I will tell the blunt truth. This is a very hard program to compete in but it is also very rewarding. J


Dr. David Cooke and I are willing to do demonstrations for churches, and even schools. We have several demos scheduled for different places that you can find out about by calling Dr. Cooke or myself. You can call also me at my house phone, or email me if you have questions about the programs themselves.  I'll try to help you as much as I can and I hope to see all of you this coming year! Thank you!


Samuel D. Judge


Samuel D. Judge—269.471.7537         

Dr. David L. Cooke—269.473.5029

Jeannette Cooke--- 269.473.5029 


12) Creation Science Symposium

On October 19 (from 12:00 noon to 5:00 pm), Andrews University is going to host a creation science symposium designed for home school high school students.  The speaker is Dr. Timothy Standish, of the Geoscience Research Institute in California, and former faculty at Andrews University.

Tim is a believer in the literal 6-day creation as described in the book of Genesis, and he will show how faith and science on this topic are compatible.  Tim has presented to many groups - There's a partial list below.

Places where Tim has presented (partial list)
Calvary Chapel - Costa Mesa, CA
Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA
Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH
Dalat International School, Penang, Malaysia
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
Washington State University, Pullman, WA
University of Idaho, Moscow, ID
Biola University, La Mirada, CA
Various creation groups around Southern California


13) Please save those boxtops, soup labels, and books for the Homeschool HUB

We can turn boxtops and soup labels in for cash and educational materials.  You can give them to the leader of any HUB event, and we are trying to set it up so they can be turned in at the Homeschool Hangout as well.  We are also starting to collect books for Better World Books – we get a portion of the sale price if they are sold online; if they don't sell, the books are donated to help improve literacy in impoverished areas (either way they are kept out of landfills).  Recent college textbooks sell best, but we take them all kinds of donated books.  Go here to see about BWB:


TOTAL RECALL (These items will run until their pertinent information expires)

***'97 Dodge Caravan SE (aka "The Barneymobile"), the most recognizable homeschool van in the area, is up for sale.  It still runs great but we've upgraded to a van with more leg room and cargo room as our kids have grown in size and interests.  120,000 miles, new front brakes & tires, cruise control, power door locks, automatic transmission, V6/3.3L engine.  $2,000 or best offer.  Cordelia Tomasino, (269) 684-3454.


***MC Sports will be hosting a Ski & Snowboard SWAP at the Portage location only September 10th -13th:


Ski & Snowboard Swap

MC Sports

6272 S. Westnedge Road

Portage, MI  





Buy & Sell used Skis, Snowboards, Boots & Bindings at their swap up to 50% on new ski & snowboard equipment!


EQUIPMENT DROP-OFF DATES: September 7th - 10th

(drop-off your gear early for the best chance to sell!)


(They told us at the West Main store there was no charge to sell your used equipment!)


***Multifamily garage sale Friday, September 11 and Saturday, September 12, 9 am–3 pm, 17758 Tally Ho Dr., South Bend.

A group of homeschoolers are having a garage sale which will include used curriculum, software, books, educational games, etc. There will also be clothes, toys and other household items.  Stop by and get some great deals!!

Have something for sale, free or trade?  Advertise here!

LAST BUT NOT LEAST--LINKS OF INTEREST (links do not imply endorsement):

Do you have any favorite websites?  Send them to us and we'll share them!


While the Homeschool HUB believes that these events or opportunities may be of value to home educators, announcements do not constitute an endorsement by the Homeschool HUB, or its Board of Directors. It is the responsibility of individual parents to determine the appropriateness of any event or opportunity for their children.

Participation in any event is voluntary and the participant assumes complete responsibility and liability for themselves, their family, anyone accompanying them, and their personal property. 


HUB weekly news-August 16

hublogoHomeschool HUB Weekly News--Aug. 16
Homeschool HUB phone: (269)362-0651
email:   website:
Editor: Annette Ernsperger
The information below is offered to you as a service.  Please research and decide for yourself the value to your family.  The Homeschool HUB does not endorse any programs or services other than those offered at the Homeschool HUB resource center. 
Send information to be added to the update no later than the Thursday before the week you want it to appear:
Details for the following events are on the calendar at:

Aug. 18--Homeschool swimming at Clear Lake (see calendar for details), $1
Aug. 19--Touch football, Oddfellows Park (near Hwy 12 and Bond St in Niles), 2:00
Aug. 21--Homeschool bowling, 1:00, Strikes and Spares, Mishawaka, $5
Aug. 22-HUB picnic and waterpark fun!  See #5 below for details.
1) Sports classes
2) Shakespeare class
3) Unschoolers winter event
4) Art contest
5) HUB homeschool picnic and waterpark fun!
6) H.O.M.E. group hosting Todd Wilson

And LAST BUT NOT LEAST: classified ads and links of interest at the end of your weekly news. 
On August 24 we will begin another After School Sports class at Niles Adventist School.  The first class we're offering is Beginning Softball taught by Chris Evenson.  The fee is $30 per student with a maximum of $70 per family.  The class will meet Monday afternoons from 3:45 to 5:15 on the following dates:
August 24, 31
September 14, 21, 28
October 5
Students must be at least 10 years old.  If you have questions or you want to enroll your kids, please let Dorothea Sarli know by email at or call me at 684-3590.
Note: Our tentative plans for the rest of the school year include:
October to December 2009: Basketball
January to March 2010: Basketball and Downhill Ski Club
January to March 2010: Basketball
March to May 2010: Basketball and Volleyball
June 2010: Softball
2) Shakespeare Class
The Tempest was Shakespeare's last and best play. It is rich in interesting characters, symbolism, mysticism, magic, mythology and humor!  As we study the play we will interject facts about the life of Shakespeare and the workings of the Elizabethan theater. Meet Shakespeare the man, the husband, the playwright as he lived in Stratford-upon-Avon and London. Learn about censorship and the Master of Revels. See the play through the eyes of the "groundlings" at the Globe Theater. We will take you inside the Globe, go backstage and explore the inner workings of this wonderful theater.
Please join us for an hour and a half one day a week. Come - Share the fun!   Bob Cashbaugh will teach this Shakespeare class for students ages 12 and up. Class size limited to 20. We will be reading the Tempest aloud (it will be age appropriate) and Bob will make the original script understandable for teens. We will meet in Niles on Thursdays at 1:15pm - 3:00pm. Location TBA. The class will run from 6-8 weeks starting Thursday, September 10th. If you have questions or would like to sign up please contact Jane Kerr at:
3) The 3rd Annual UWWG (Unschoolers Winter Waterpark Gathering) will be held again at the amazing Kalahari Indoor Waterpark Resort & Convention Center in Sandusky, Ohio February 8-12, 2010.  Keynote Speaker: JOHN TAYLOR GATTO! 
A note from Kathy Joyce:  I've attended this event both of the past two years and really enjoyed it.  If you are unschooling or are considering it, you should check it out.  There is no cost for the meetings, just the super discounted rate they get for the rooms.  Full info at
4) Miller Pads and Paper's 2009 Art Contest
We are so excited about the 2009 Art Contest!!  For the first time we are opening this contest up to everyone.  There are a total of 5 categories and 3 age groups!  You may enter one or all categories and you are limited to one entry per category. A single person may send in one entry for each of the 5 categories for a total of 5 entries. 
Contest Dates: August 10th to September 30th.
3 age groups and 5 categories:
Pen & Ink
Scratch Art
Please put the following on each entry:
Email Address (all results will be sent via email)
If you would like your entry back, please include a check or money order for the dollar amount it cost to send the entry to us and state how you want it shipped to you. (Priority mail, UPS, etc…) We realize your art work is precious, so we will take good care of it, however we cannot be held responsible for damage in shipping, so please package it carefully.
Judging will take place October 2nd.  Our judges vary in age from 22 to 87!  They are great artists themselves!
There will be a total of 45 prizes given out.  Winners will be notified and  prizes sent out by Oct. 9th.  If you do not hear back from us, please contact us via email at   Put the words Art Contest Winners Inquiry in the subject line.  
This will be our best Art contest to date, so please get your entries in ASAP.  Cut-off date is Sept. 30th--no exceptions.
5) You are invited to attend the HUB's ANNUAL HOMESCHOOL PICNIC on Saturday, August 22, at Ideal Beach Family Water Park. It is located at 52256 Ideal Beach in Elkhart IN (near Exit 96 Elkhart Toll Road) 574-262-1769.  The cost of admission is $2 and a wristband for all day sliding down the two corkscrew slides is $3.(This is a special rate for our group.)  Cost to rent a canoe, kayaking or paddle boat is $5 a half an hour. Miniature golf is $2 a game.  There is also a certified lifeguard on duty at all times so you can play in Heaton Lake.  There is also a kiddie pool, volleyball, horseshoes, and playground.  There is a concession stand that sells hot dogs for $1.25, pop $1 and other goodies.  The park is open from 10 am. - 7 pm.  We are planning on grilling and eating our meal at 12:00 and then having a meeting at 1 p.m.  If you want to join us for our meal bring meat to feed your family and the buns.  Also bring a picnic dish to pass.  Charcoal, Drinks, Condiments and Paper products (including plastic silverware) will be provided.  We sure hope that you can join us in the fun!  Come and bring your friends and family and anyone else you know that may be interested in homeschooling.
6) Fellow Homeschoolers,
We're so pleased to announce to you that H.O.M.E. (Homes Organized for Meaningful Education) will be hosting Todd Wilson, a fantastic guest speaker this year. 
When: October 29th, 7pm
Where: Redeemer Lutheran Church at 460 W. Atherton Rd. in Flint, Michigan(easy access, right off the highway).
Questions & Pre-Registration: Your pre-registration is requested.  You may e-mail Sue Jaster ( with how many adults and children will be in attendance.  OR, you may call Sue at (810) 867-4741
Fee: $3 per person or $5 per couple, to be paid at the door (Yes, you still do need to pre-register). 
Children: Childcare is not provided, but babies & children are welcome with their parents in the sanctuary.
I personally heard him speak at the INCH conference and am so grateful he will be coming to share his message with all of us.  If your husbands typically don't like to come out to events, this will be one they won't want to miss.  Todd's humor and insight will help the men relate to the needs and responsibilities of a homeschool dad.  Yet his message for the women is equally challenging and uplifting. 
TODD WILSON, author of Help! I'm Married to a Homeschooling Mom and The Official Book of Homeschooling Cartoons, is a dad, writer, conference speaker, and former pastor. Todd's humor and gut-honest realness have made him a favorite speaker at homeschool conventions across the country and a guest on Focus on the Family.  This year he was one of the keynote speakers at the INCH conference in Lansing, Michigan. 
His articles have appeared in various magazines, including Christian Parenting Today, Men of Integrity, and Stand Firm. Christianity Today also posts his weekly column (The Familyman Weekly) on their website.  Check it out at
Todd and his wife Debbie, along with their eight children spend several months of the year traveling the country encouraging moms and dads. His humor, realness, and straight talk to men & women have become his trademark.
TOTAL RECALL (These items will run until their pertinent information expires)
Multifamily garage sale Friday, September 11 and Saturday, September 12, 9 am–3 pm, 17758 Tally Ho Dr., South Bend.
A group of homeschoolers are having a garage sale which will include used curriculum, software, books, educational games, etc. There will also be clothes, toys and other household items.  Stop by and get some great deals!!
Have something for sale, free or trade?  Advertise here!
LAST BUT NOT LEAST--LINKS OF INTEREST (links do not imply endorsement):
Do you have any favorite websites?  Send them to us and we'll share them!

While the Homeschool HUB believes that these events or opportunities may be of value to home educators, announcements do not constitute an endorsement by the Homeschool HUB, or its Board of Directors. It is the responsibility of individual parents to determine the appropriateness of any event or opportunity for their children.

Participation in any event is voluntary and the participant assumes complete responsibility and liability for themselves, their family, anyone accompanying them, and their personal property. 

HUB news update--Aug. 9

Homeschool HUB Weekly News--Aug. 9
Homeschool HUB phone: (269)362-0651
email:   website:
Editor: Annette Ernsperger
The information below is offered to you as a service.  Please research and decide for yourself the value to your family.  The Homeschool HUB does not endorse any programs or services other than those offered at the Homeschool HUB resource center. 
Send information to be added to the update no later than the Thursday before the week you want it to appear:
Details for the following events are on the calendar at:

Aug. 11--Homeschool swimming at Clear Lake (see calendar for details), $1
Aug. 12--Touch football, Oddfellows Park (near Hwy 12 and Bond St in Niles), 2:00
Aug. 14--Homeschool bowling, 1:00, Strikes and Spares, Mishawaka, $5
1) Fall art classes
2) Homeschool HUB changes
3) SMC open house
4) Volunteer opportunities
5) HUB homeschool picnic and water fun!

And LAST BUT NOT LEAST: classified ads and links of interest at the end of your weekly news. 
1) Dear art students and parents,
I am pleased to send you our fall lineup of art classes. Drawing is one of my favorite things to teach and do! If you have never taken a drawing class, I will teach you how to draw. If you are more accomplished, I will challenge you to a new level in drawing. I welcome adults to try a class as well! It is never too late to learn.
I hope to see you in September!
Gloria Seitz
New Creations Offers 2009 Fall Art Classes in the Michiana Area for Students in Grades 1-12. Adults  and home schoolers welcome!
Gloria Seitz, a certified K-12 art teacher, will be teaching classes on the topic of BASIC DRAWING. This seven week class will study the basic elements of shape, completing a series of drawing exercises, a detailed drawing and a variety of projects covering foundational drawing. Pencils, colored pencils, and markers will be used.  CLASSES WILL BEGIN ON THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 21 AND END THE WEEK OF NOVEMBER 2nd. 
Tuesdays, classes at Community Free Church in Niles are as follows:  Ages 6-9 will meet at 10:30-11:30 a.m. Ages 9-13 meet from 11:45 -12:45 p.m. and 7th -adult meet from 1-2 p.m. Classes meet in the west (Bond St.) side of the building.
Wednesday classes meet at Trinity Free Church on Miami Road in South Bend. Ages 6-9 will meet at 10:30-11:30 a.m. Ages 9-13 meet from 11:45 -12:45 p.m. and 7th -adult meet from 1-2 p.m.  Classes meet on lower south entrance across from gym.
Thursday classes meet at Hobby Lobby in Mishawaka at the following times:  Ages 6-9 will meet at 11:30-12:30 AND at 12:45-1:45 p.m.. Ages 9-13 will meet at 2-3.  7th through adult will meet from 3:15-4:15. 8 through 13 year olds will meet from 4:15 -5:15 p.m. Classes meet on right side of building near fabrics.
The cost for the seven week classes is $65 for the first child and $5 LESS for each additional child.  You will save $5 on the total cost (not per student) if you pay by September 6.  Cost includes supplies (except sketch book, erasers, pencil, rulers, and folder:  These you will need to purchase), room rental, and Art Festival. The Art Festival will be held on Friday, November 6.  
You can register on line. You will need to print out a registration form on line and mail it (address on form) if you  want to save $5.  Classes do fill up, so be sure to get your registration in early.  You may reserve your spot by calling Gloria at 574-271-8069 even before sending in your reservation. 
2) The Homeschool HUB is making some changes!!
Our Board of Directors has decided to make membership in the HUB free and to include all homeschoolers who are receiving this weekly update.  The reason for this is that we no longer have a building to support, and we feel that one of the most valuable services we provide is the dissemination of information to homeschoolers throughout Michiana through our updates, website, and yahoo group.  We bring in enough to cover telephone, mailing, and insurance expenses through volunteering at Silverhawk games, advertising on our website, and the Boxtops for Education program.  
If you are a homeschooler who is receiving this update you can get a HUB membership card which may be shown at Borders and Barnes & Noble to get their educator's discount card. To do so, either send a self-addressed stamped envelope to:
Homeschool HUB
Box 286
Niles , MI 49120
or pick one up at any HUB event – the next being the picnic on August 22nd(see details below).  We are also planning a corn maze and hay ride for this fall, and tubing at Five Pines in the winter, as well as Mendel Center and Bethel plays throughout the year.  Watch the updates for details.
Our website is at  Lots of good info there to browse through.  On the homepage is a link to join the yahoo group.  The group is not all that active because we do not throw out topics for discussion or try to make traffic in any way.  It's used to make announcements or for questions people may have.  For instance, a member recently wanted info on graduation for her son who is entering his senior year.  She asked if anyone knew of any "cap & gown" ceremonies for homeschoolers in the area.  Immediately someone who had a graduate this past year sent her the info she needed.  She commented that it is valuable to have a place where you can get questions answered and we can all share our knowledge and expertise.
We would appreciate it if you would bring your boxtops and soup labels to HUB events.
3) Please join us when Southwestern Michigan College dedicates its first student housing facility "McKenzie Hall" which will be home to 130 new students on Sunday, August 16, 2009 at 2:00 p.m.
Southwestern Michigan College
58900 Cherry Grove Road • Dowagiac, Michigan 49047
Open house, tours & refreshments will follow the dedication ceremony.
4) What does the Humane Society and the Berrien County Youth Fair have in common?  How can you get involved with both and why should you?  
Because with your help and support, the Humane Society is able to continue on with the mission to provide shelter and care for sick, homeless, abused and unwanted animals, with utmost importance on adoption services for the animals in their care and they hope to share that mission with the many people who attend the BERRIEN COUNTY YOUTH FAIR  – August 17th through the 22nd, 2009.
The Humane Society will again have a presence at the fair, but they cannot do it without the help of a team of volunteers.
Volunteers help set-up on Saturday, August 15, 2009.   They plan to meet at the shelter in Benton Harbor at 10am.  They are still need of at least one more vehicle which can help transport – preferably a pick-up.  They also need some good volunteers who can bring their own drills.
They will be at the fair beginning Monday, August 17th through Saturday August 22nd from 10:30 a.m. until 10 p.m. every day.  They are looking for volunteers to help with these time slots- for a minimum of 2 hours.  The normal shifts are:
10:30 a.m. –  12:00 noon
12:00 noon --   2:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m.  --   4:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m.  --   6:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.  --   8:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.  – 10:00 p.m. 
On Saturday, 8/22/2009 – they will need additional volunteers at the booth at 10 p.m. to begin tear down of the booth.  The booth must be dismantled and moved out of the way Saturday evening.  An ideal plan would be to load it on trucks and remove it from the Fair Grounds on Saturday night.  It could then be returned to the Shelter Saturday night or Sunday sometime.  Otherwise, the booth must be dismantled and moved to the side Saturday evening and then completely removed and returned to the Shelter by Sunday afternoon.
If you are available to help, or have questions about volunteering at the Fair, please contact:  Melissa Wilkinson
Or  Hella, the Humane Society Volunteer Coordinator 269-408-1604  269-823-4443
If you have questions about this volunteer opportunity or you would like to know about other options, contact:
Debra Panozzo
Adult and Family Volunteer Coordinator
Volunteer Center of Southwest MI
269-983-0912 ext 303
269-683-5464 ext 322
Do you like to volunteer and have fun at the same time?  Hogg Bash claims to be the biggest Labor Day Party in Michigan .  You could have fun listening to dozens of bands but then help raise funds for Southwest MI Community Action Agency and the American Red Cross both providing important services here in southwest Michigan. 
WHERE: Elderberry Farms, 40700 63rd. St. in Bangor , MI (mid-way between South Haven and Watervliet)
WHEN: September 4-6
WHAT: Camping, Hogg Roast, Music, NWA wrestling, bike show and contest and other fun activities.
VOLUNTEER:  Keep the site clean, assist with set up and take down, and tasks as they come up during the day
WHY: Raise funds for 2 organizations: SW MI Community Action Agency and The Red Cross who are doing good things in southwest Michigan. 
If you have a few hours over the Labor Day weekend to volunteer or would like more information contact:
Debra Panozzo
Adult and Family Volunteer Coordinator
Volunteer Center of Southwest MI
269-983-0912 ext 303
269-683-5464 ext 322
Are you available to volunteer for a few hours on 1 day and assist people who are homeless or have housing issues? 
Imagine a community that has strong partnerships and collaborative efforts that combine existing strengths and creates new opportunities to overcome challenges.
Project Homeless Connect Consists of:  Assessment of each individual/family; One-Stop Shop location to access numerous community resources/services.
Some of the agencies include: Berrien County RESA-McKinney Vento Program, Berrien County Cancer Services, Berrien County Health Department, Big Brother/Big Sister, CARES, Child and Family Services, Emergency Shelter Services, Fair Housing Center of SW Michigan, Lakeland Regional Health Center, Lake Michigan College, Legal Aid of Western Michigan, The Link Crisis Center, Michigan Works, Neighbor to Neighbor, Residential Services of SW MI, Safe Shelter Services, Social Security Administration, Tri County Head Start, USDA Rural Development and Volunteer Center. 
Join us at First Presbyterian Church, 13 S. 4th Street, Niles on Wednesday, August 26th, 2009, 10:00am-3:00pm- Clients and 9:00am- 4:00pm- Agencies/Volunteers
Volunteers are needed to greet and guide participants through the process.
Breakfast, Lunch and giveaways will be provided thanks to the following businesses: Christian Service Center, Creative Cuts, Dr. Beckermeyer, Dr. Beistle & Dr. Jilek, Dee's Hair Design Studio, Eagles Lodge 2094, Harding's in Buchanan, Hob Nob, Hot Dogs Plus,  Kozy Kitchen, Krispy Kreme, Lowery's, Martin's Supermarket, Milano's Pizza, Off Main Street Saloon, Papa Johns Pizza, Pizza Hut, Prime Table, Dr. Rusher, Rise N Shine, Roger's Barbershop, Save A Lot, Small Smiles-South Bend, Veni's Sweet Shop, Walmart, Wings Etc., Dr. Wyant & Dr. Gourlay.
Contact Holly Pomranka or Pam Thomas at Residential Services of Southwestern Michigan at 269-687-6550 ext 10 or 17.
5) Congratulations,  If you are receiving this e-mail you have become a member of the Homeschool Hub and you are invited to attend our ANNUAL HOMESCHOOL PICNIC on Saturday, August 22, at Ideal Beach Family Water Park. It is located at 52256 Ideal Beach in Elkhart IN (near Exit 96 Elkhart Toll Road) 574-262-1769.  The cost of admission is $2 and a wristband for all day sliding down the two corkscrew slides is $3.(This is a special rate for our group.)  Cost to rent a canoe, kayaking or paddle boat is $5 a half an hour. Miniature golf is $2 a game.  There is also a certified lifeguard on duty at all times so you can play in Heaton Lake.  There is also a kiddie pool, volleyball, horseshoes, and playground.  There is a concession stand that sells hot dogs for $1.25, pop $1 and other goodies.  The park is open from 10 am. - 7 pm.  We are planning on grilling and eating our meal at 12:00 and then having a meeting at 1 p.m.  If you want to join us for our meal bring meat to feed your family and the buns.  Also bring a picnic dish to pass.  Charcoal, Drinks, Condiments and Paper products (including plastic silverware) will be provided.  We sure hope that you can join us in the fun!  Come and bring your friends and family and anyone else you know that may be interested in homeschooling.
TOTAL RECALL (These items will run until their pertinent information expires)
Have something for sale, free or trade?  Advertise here!
LAST BUT NOT LEAST--LINKS OF INTEREST (links do not imply endorsement):
Incredible maps:
Virtual tour of the Goodyear blimp:

Do you have any favorite websites?  Send them to us and we'll share them!

While the Homeschool HUB believes that these events or opportunities may be of value to home educators, announcements do not constitute an endorsement by the Homeschool HUB, or its Board of Directors. It is the responsibility of individual parents to determine the appropriateness of any event or opportunity for their children.

Participation in any event is voluntary and the participant assumes complete responsibility and liability for themselves, their family, anyone accompanying them, and their personal property.