HUB weekly news-August 16

hublogoHomeschool HUB Weekly News--Aug. 16
Homeschool HUB phone: (269)362-0651
email:   website:
Editor: Annette Ernsperger
The information below is offered to you as a service.  Please research and decide for yourself the value to your family.  The Homeschool HUB does not endorse any programs or services other than those offered at the Homeschool HUB resource center. 
Send information to be added to the update no later than the Thursday before the week you want it to appear:
Details for the following events are on the calendar at:

Aug. 18--Homeschool swimming at Clear Lake (see calendar for details), $1
Aug. 19--Touch football, Oddfellows Park (near Hwy 12 and Bond St in Niles), 2:00
Aug. 21--Homeschool bowling, 1:00, Strikes and Spares, Mishawaka, $5
Aug. 22-HUB picnic and waterpark fun!  See #5 below for details.
1) Sports classes
2) Shakespeare class
3) Unschoolers winter event
4) Art contest
5) HUB homeschool picnic and waterpark fun!
6) H.O.M.E. group hosting Todd Wilson

And LAST BUT NOT LEAST: classified ads and links of interest at the end of your weekly news. 
On August 24 we will begin another After School Sports class at Niles Adventist School.  The first class we're offering is Beginning Softball taught by Chris Evenson.  The fee is $30 per student with a maximum of $70 per family.  The class will meet Monday afternoons from 3:45 to 5:15 on the following dates:
August 24, 31
September 14, 21, 28
October 5
Students must be at least 10 years old.  If you have questions or you want to enroll your kids, please let Dorothea Sarli know by email at or call me at 684-3590.
Note: Our tentative plans for the rest of the school year include:
October to December 2009: Basketball
January to March 2010: Basketball and Downhill Ski Club
January to March 2010: Basketball
March to May 2010: Basketball and Volleyball
June 2010: Softball
2) Shakespeare Class
The Tempest was Shakespeare's last and best play. It is rich in interesting characters, symbolism, mysticism, magic, mythology and humor!  As we study the play we will interject facts about the life of Shakespeare and the workings of the Elizabethan theater. Meet Shakespeare the man, the husband, the playwright as he lived in Stratford-upon-Avon and London. Learn about censorship and the Master of Revels. See the play through the eyes of the "groundlings" at the Globe Theater. We will take you inside the Globe, go backstage and explore the inner workings of this wonderful theater.
Please join us for an hour and a half one day a week. Come - Share the fun!   Bob Cashbaugh will teach this Shakespeare class for students ages 12 and up. Class size limited to 20. We will be reading the Tempest aloud (it will be age appropriate) and Bob will make the original script understandable for teens. We will meet in Niles on Thursdays at 1:15pm - 3:00pm. Location TBA. The class will run from 6-8 weeks starting Thursday, September 10th. If you have questions or would like to sign up please contact Jane Kerr at:
3) The 3rd Annual UWWG (Unschoolers Winter Waterpark Gathering) will be held again at the amazing Kalahari Indoor Waterpark Resort & Convention Center in Sandusky, Ohio February 8-12, 2010.  Keynote Speaker: JOHN TAYLOR GATTO! 
A note from Kathy Joyce:  I've attended this event both of the past two years and really enjoyed it.  If you are unschooling or are considering it, you should check it out.  There is no cost for the meetings, just the super discounted rate they get for the rooms.  Full info at
4) Miller Pads and Paper's 2009 Art Contest
We are so excited about the 2009 Art Contest!!  For the first time we are opening this contest up to everyone.  There are a total of 5 categories and 3 age groups!  You may enter one or all categories and you are limited to one entry per category. A single person may send in one entry for each of the 5 categories for a total of 5 entries. 
Contest Dates: August 10th to September 30th.
3 age groups and 5 categories:
Pen & Ink
Scratch Art
Please put the following on each entry:
Email Address (all results will be sent via email)
If you would like your entry back, please include a check or money order for the dollar amount it cost to send the entry to us and state how you want it shipped to you. (Priority mail, UPS, etc…) We realize your art work is precious, so we will take good care of it, however we cannot be held responsible for damage in shipping, so please package it carefully.
Judging will take place October 2nd.  Our judges vary in age from 22 to 87!  They are great artists themselves!
There will be a total of 45 prizes given out.  Winners will be notified and  prizes sent out by Oct. 9th.  If you do not hear back from us, please contact us via email at   Put the words Art Contest Winners Inquiry in the subject line.  
This will be our best Art contest to date, so please get your entries in ASAP.  Cut-off date is Sept. 30th--no exceptions.
5) You are invited to attend the HUB's ANNUAL HOMESCHOOL PICNIC on Saturday, August 22, at Ideal Beach Family Water Park. It is located at 52256 Ideal Beach in Elkhart IN (near Exit 96 Elkhart Toll Road) 574-262-1769.  The cost of admission is $2 and a wristband for all day sliding down the two corkscrew slides is $3.(This is a special rate for our group.)  Cost to rent a canoe, kayaking or paddle boat is $5 a half an hour. Miniature golf is $2 a game.  There is also a certified lifeguard on duty at all times so you can play in Heaton Lake.  There is also a kiddie pool, volleyball, horseshoes, and playground.  There is a concession stand that sells hot dogs for $1.25, pop $1 and other goodies.  The park is open from 10 am. - 7 pm.  We are planning on grilling and eating our meal at 12:00 and then having a meeting at 1 p.m.  If you want to join us for our meal bring meat to feed your family and the buns.  Also bring a picnic dish to pass.  Charcoal, Drinks, Condiments and Paper products (including plastic silverware) will be provided.  We sure hope that you can join us in the fun!  Come and bring your friends and family and anyone else you know that may be interested in homeschooling.
6) Fellow Homeschoolers,
We're so pleased to announce to you that H.O.M.E. (Homes Organized for Meaningful Education) will be hosting Todd Wilson, a fantastic guest speaker this year. 
When: October 29th, 7pm
Where: Redeemer Lutheran Church at 460 W. Atherton Rd. in Flint, Michigan(easy access, right off the highway).
Questions & Pre-Registration: Your pre-registration is requested.  You may e-mail Sue Jaster ( with how many adults and children will be in attendance.  OR, you may call Sue at (810) 867-4741
Fee: $3 per person or $5 per couple, to be paid at the door (Yes, you still do need to pre-register). 
Children: Childcare is not provided, but babies & children are welcome with their parents in the sanctuary.
I personally heard him speak at the INCH conference and am so grateful he will be coming to share his message with all of us.  If your husbands typically don't like to come out to events, this will be one they won't want to miss.  Todd's humor and insight will help the men relate to the needs and responsibilities of a homeschool dad.  Yet his message for the women is equally challenging and uplifting. 
TODD WILSON, author of Help! I'm Married to a Homeschooling Mom and The Official Book of Homeschooling Cartoons, is a dad, writer, conference speaker, and former pastor. Todd's humor and gut-honest realness have made him a favorite speaker at homeschool conventions across the country and a guest on Focus on the Family.  This year he was one of the keynote speakers at the INCH conference in Lansing, Michigan. 
His articles have appeared in various magazines, including Christian Parenting Today, Men of Integrity, and Stand Firm. Christianity Today also posts his weekly column (The Familyman Weekly) on their website.  Check it out at
Todd and his wife Debbie, along with their eight children spend several months of the year traveling the country encouraging moms and dads. His humor, realness, and straight talk to men & women have become his trademark.
TOTAL RECALL (These items will run until their pertinent information expires)
Multifamily garage sale Friday, September 11 and Saturday, September 12, 9 am–3 pm, 17758 Tally Ho Dr., South Bend.
A group of homeschoolers are having a garage sale which will include used curriculum, software, books, educational games, etc. There will also be clothes, toys and other household items.  Stop by and get some great deals!!
Have something for sale, free or trade?  Advertise here!
LAST BUT NOT LEAST--LINKS OF INTEREST (links do not imply endorsement):
Do you have any favorite websites?  Send them to us and we'll share them!

While the Homeschool HUB believes that these events or opportunities may be of value to home educators, announcements do not constitute an endorsement by the Homeschool HUB, or its Board of Directors. It is the responsibility of individual parents to determine the appropriateness of any event or opportunity for their children.

Participation in any event is voluntary and the participant assumes complete responsibility and liability for themselves, their family, anyone accompanying them, and their personal property. 

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