2 news items

Here is the location of the used curriculum and book sale tomorrow:  

Homeschool Used Curriculum Sale
Friday, June 18, 2-6 p.m. (5-6 p.m. is 1/2 off selected items)
18314 Balston Circle, South Bend

This is at the home of Pam Smith and there are at least 16 families contributing used curriculum from Pre-K through high school levels, plus there will be displays of new Usborne books.  Her home is just south of Auten Road (not too far over the state line from MI) off of Ironwood.  If you need directions please contact Pam at 574-243-2573, or email at mrsauntiepam@yahoo.com.


This is a survey to find out if anyone is interested in meeting once a week to play some informal tennis matches with each other this summer.  If there are enough students we could play doubles, or rotate singles.   Location would be at Plym  Park.  Probably mornings (to avoid the afternoon heat), maybe Tues. or Thurs. 9:30-11:30 or 10-12:00?  
Times and days are flexible, but if you are interested please let me know
your first two preferences of both time and day.  Contact Joan at psteere@juno.com, or 269-663-7023.

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