These news items missed the boat...

Just a quick add-on to this week's HUB news:  

Volunteer at Healthwin Nursing Home

Volunteers are needed for transporting residents from their rooms to their therapy sessions or to the on-site beauty shop.  Beauty shop transporting is needed on Mondays 11:30-2:30 and therapy sessions are Monday through Friday 8:00-12:00.   Volunteers should be ages 14 and up.   Contact Karen Martindale at 574-272-0100 ext. 288.


Teen Hangout

Teen hangout is on the 4th Friday of every month, this month it's on the 24th, 7-10 p.m..  There has been good response to this over the last two months and hosting by different families is encouraged.   This month's host is the Ernsperger family at 2406 Bond St. in Niles.  Bring a snack to share--drinks will be provided.   Outdoor games are planned unless the weather does not cooperate, in which case there will be indoor games or a movie.  Either way, be sure to come!  Questions? Contact Sara or Annette at 269-683-7223

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