Homeschool HUB News Update--December 10

Homeschool HUB News Update--December 10

Homeschool HUB phone: 269-240-6094
email:   website:
Editor: Andrea Bikfalvy

The information below is offered to you as a service.  Please research and decide for yourself the value to your family.  The Homeschool HUB does not endorse any programs or services other than those offered by the Homeschool HUB.  
Send information to be added to the update no later than the Thursday before the week you want it to appear:


Details for the following events are on the calendar at:

December 10--Bowling at Strikes and Spares, 1:00-3:00, $5/pp
December 17--Homeschool Skate at USA Skate 1:00-3:00, $3/pp including skate rental.


1) Tubing and Cross Country Skiing at Five Pines
2) Google Global Science Fair
3) Donate winter gear for kids
4) No newsletter Dec 24th
5) HUB Christmas Party and Games Night tomorrow!

1) Tubing and Cross Country Skiing at Five Pines

Mark your calendar's now!  This season's Tubing and Cross Country Skiing have been scheduled for the following dates:

Friday, January 14, 2011 from 10 am - 2 pm
Friday, February 11, 2011 from 10 am - 2 pm

At Five Pines Retreat Center in Berrien Springs. Tubing or Skiing is $6 for the day or both for $9.  Bring a sack lunch or eat at the snack bar.  If you have questions or would like to RSVP contact Diane Day 269-370-4589.  SEE YA THERE! PRAY FOR SNOW!

2) The Google Global Science Fair is Coming

Here is an early heads-up about the upcoming launch of the first ever Google Science Fair. Google has partnered with NASA, CERN, National Geographic, Scientific American, and LEGO to create a totally new kind of STEM competition: a science fair that is more open, inclusive, and global than ever before. The Google Science Fair aims to be the largest global science competition ever and will be open to all students age 13–18 around the world. To sign up for some cool Google stuff for your classroom, please visit

3) Donate candy or winter gear for kids

Gifts and kids go together this time of year.  Today the director of the Benton Harbor Street Ministry informed me that she is looking for additional gifts for youth so she can share with the increasing number of kids they are serving.  She is looking for gloves, mittens, and hats for both boys and girls of all ages 5 to 16 years olds, along with candy or gift certificates.  

If you would like to give to an organization nearer to your home or serving a population you care about - contact the Volunteer Center and we can brainstorm options with you.

Debra Panozzo
Adult and family volunteer coordinator
Volunteer Center of Southwest Michigan
269-983-0912 ext 303 St. Joseph
269-683-5464 ext 322 Niles

4) No newsletter Dec 24th

If you have anything you want to send out before Dec 31st, please send it in to by Thursday Dec 16th. Put "for update" or "for newsletter" in the subject line.  Thank you.

5) Homeschool HUB Games Night/Christmas Party/Treat Exchange TOMORROW!  

Get your mixing bowls ready!  The Homeschool HUB is having a Christmas treat exchange and a PAR-TAY! THIS SATURDAY!  Be there or be square...

WHO: All homeschool families and friends, All ages
WHAT: Christmas Treat Exchange and Game Party
WHERE: The Niles Police Complex
WHEN: 7 pm - midnight on Saturday Dec 11
WHY: Fun and Fellowship with other homeschool families
HOW: Bring snacks to share, games to play, and (if you want to participate in the treat exchange) at least two dozen treats packaged in groups of six.  Take as many packages of the other treats home as you bring of yours.


Songs for Teaching


Looking for a group?  Join the HUB!

There are several benefits of membership including a travel club and a resource library. Members receive first chance at events and classes when availability is limited.  The cost of membership is only $24/year.  Information about becoming a member is on the website  


A blast from the past. System includes keyboard, monitor, computer, floppy disks of software and games, etc.  More games can be found online.  This has an easy Windows-like interface so you don't need to type in commands.  This was the most popular personal computer ever, and its still popular for programming and gaming.

$75 or make an offer.

Please contact Andrea


Student cello outfit $150
Includes: Student quality cello, bow, rosin, gig bag, extra set of strings, manual tuner. I believe this is the original ad for it, though I don't have the cello stand pictured:

I recently purchased this from the Tribune classifieds, because the price was so reasonable and I've always wanted to learn to play cello. After 3 lessons, it's clear my arthritic thumb isn't going to allow that particular dream to come true. I just can't hold the bow without pain. The gentleman I bought it from had purchased it for his granddaughter, but she had no interest. He paid $500 for it originally. It is an acceptable quality for a student instrument, with no obvious damage. I think it's very pretty. (c:

The sound post needs to be set in place, but my instructor said that was no big deal, and she was going to let me know when the gentleman who rides that "circuit"is in town to pop it in for me. If that has not been fixed when you contact me, I'll knock $20 off the price so you can have it done yourself.

Please contact Laura Hollister at if you'd like to see it.

Have something for sale, free or trade?  Advertise here!

Homeschool groups are welcome to advertise their group, too.  It's free!


The Homeschool HUB is collecting used textbooks.  Contact Diane Day: or 269-445-1900.

The Homeschool HUB is continuing to collect Campbell Soup labels, Campbell's Chunky Soup labels, Campbell's Healthy Request labels, Campbell's Select harvest, Franco-American, Pepperidge Farm, Spaghettios, Swanson, V-8 Beverages, V-8 Fusion, Prego Italian Sauces and Campbell's Food Service.   Give your labels to any board member or bring them to our homeschool functions.


We are still accepting Boxtops for education labels.  You can find these on many products.

Go to Boxtops for for more info, and then SAVE SAVE SAVE  those labels.  Each one nets 10 cents and every 10 cents adds up. You can give them to any HUB board director or bring them to any of our functions that we will be having.  Thank-you!


While the Homeschool HUB believes that these events or opportunities may be of value to home educators, announcements do not constitute an endorsement by the Homeschool HUB, or its Board of Directors. It is the responsibility of individual parents to determine the appropriateness of any event or opportunity for their children.

Participation in any event is voluntary and the participant assumes complete responsibility and liability for themselves, their family, anyone accompanying them, and their personal property.

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