Bad Accident

Dear homeschool friends,

Many of you know local Niles homeschoolers Phil and Joan Steere and their family.  Their oldest daughter, Carrie, is married to Simeon.  They are expecting their third child in August.  Simeon was in a logging accident on Monday.  Basically a stack of logs got loose in the logging yard and he narrowly missed having his head smashed in.  Instead his body was pinned between the logs.  He was airlifted to the ICU in Charleston, WV, with a broken pelvis, lumbar fractures, holes in his bladder and urethra, and a bruised kidney.  Because of the broken pelvis he cannot move his legs,but he can wiggle his toes and feet. He had a 6 hour surgery on Wednesday to repair the holes and they've put pins through the pelvic bones and attached them to an external pelvic brace, which is like a cage around the hips.  For 6 months he will be either flat on his back or in a wheelchair (for which they will have to teach him a method to pivot into it).

Joan sent several notes.  Here is a portion of the last one describing the accident and telling where to send funds if you would like to help them out financially:
"All of a sudden one of the logs that was pinning him was hit by another log at the opposite end forcing the end he was at off of him. I'm sure there were logs being moved all over since the stack came loose.  He saw a gap between some logs but having been crushed he couldn't move now. He doesn't know how he got into the gap so quickly but just as he did 3 more logs rolled over the gap. It happened so fast, all he can say is God must've pushed him in.   
Two coworkers came and pulled him out (ouch!), put him in their truck and drove him to the local hospital.  On the way there his mouth was so dry ( adrenaline can give you cotton mouth) he could hardly stand it but sensed God directing him not to take a drink (good move).   They got him into the ER (I don't know if they carried him or how they did that).  Several hrs. later a nurse put a catheter in, unaware that his urethra had a hole in it.  After 5-6 hrs. in critical condition they finally realized the extent of his injuries and airlifted him to Charleston where the staff  were amazed that the catheter did not go through the hole and into the abdomen which would obviously would have  been, I don't know, extremely  bad.  
Simeon's boss says that unfortunately this kind of accident is not uncommon, but the men usually die from it. 
 "the God in Whose hand is your breath of life, and all your destiny..."  (Dan. 5:23)
 "Save me according to Thy loving kindness and let them know that this is Thy hand; Thou, Lord , has done it."   Amen!!  (Psalms 109:26)
Some of you have asked how you can practically help.  Carrie is hoping to talk to a social worker today to find out how she can get the ball rolling for workman's comp.  As you may know those kind of  balls don't roll very fast but the bills will arrive and regular expenses will happen anyway.  Next to prayer, finances would be the next obvious need.  One of Carrie's cousins has set up a PayPal account for anyone who would like to express their concern and help in a practical way on line or via Facebook
  Or if you would prefer, checks can be made out to Carrie Borsman and sent to 7744 Gatewood Rd., Fayetteville, WV   25840       
Words can't express how much we appreciate all of you.
Deeply grateful,
Joan and Phil "

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