[homeschoolhub] Soccer and the Reins, Mon. 11/14, 3-5 p.m.


Last week we had a great game despite the constant light rain. It was a bit wet, but not too wet.

This week, I've been informed that we will be doing without two of our most reliable, enthusiastic and skillful players, Big T and Big V, who will be doing some volunteer work for a terrific charity: Reins of Life. We wish them the best in their important work, and we look forward to their return in the Spring. But in the meantime, who will fill those enormous (and enormously athletic) shoes?

Do you have what it takes? Have you been lurking on the Yahoo! group, reading (and perhaps dreaming) of joining the homeschool soccer gang? This is the time. Perhaps you (or your child) is exactly the sort of cheerful, good-hearted boy or girl who will add to the fun just like Big V and Big T did back when they were Little V and Little T.

Everyone is welcome regardless of age, or level of skill or fitness.

Mon. 11/14, 3 - 5 p.m. at Howard Park at the corner of
Jefferson Blvd. and St. Louis Blvd in South Bend.

Call or write with questions.

Tom Borek

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