Re: [homeschoolhub] Sock R 4 U & Me, Mon. 4/30, 3-5 p.m.


Can I really stay home? From everything? Pleeese? (c:

I'm just messing. The boy's last Monday class is this week, so hopefully they'll be able to start coming!


On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 6:26 PM, Tom <> wrote:

Hi Sock R Fans:

Tomorrow afternoon, we have a choice. We can put our bodies to the joyful use for which they were intended, running in the grass, filling our lungs with with the cool spring air, and enjoying the company of people like us and people who are delightfully different. Or we can stay home.

What do you say?

Everyone is welcome regardless of age, or level of skill or fitness.

Mon. 4/30, 3-5 p.m. at Howard Park at the corner of Jefferson Blvd. and St. Louis Blvd in South Bend.

Tom Borek

Recent Activity:


[homeschoolhub] Sock R 4 U & Me, Mon. 4/30, 3-5 p.m.


Hi Sock R Fans:

Tomorrow afternoon, we have a choice. We can put our bodies to the joyful use for which they were intended, running in the grass, filling our lungs with with the cool spring air, and enjoying the company of people like us and people who are delightfully different. Or we can stay home.

What do you say?

Everyone is welcome regardless of age, or level of skill or fitness.

Mon. 4/30, 3-5 p.m. at Howard Park at the corner of Jefferson Blvd. and St. Louis Blvd in South Bend.

Tom Borek

Recent Activity:


[homeschoolhub] Astro-fest! - hands on science for kids


Hi, I wanted to share this event info. There will be an Astrofest at Union station in Southbend tomorrow , April 28th, from 2-4pm. We went to the one tonight at Kennedy school and had fun. It is mostly for elementary aged children, but a few things were for older kids. They had lots of hands on science activities. My daughter got to touch real moon soil and fake Mars soil. She also got to create a transit and graph it with a light sensor and laptop. If your interested in going it is free and open to the public. Here is a link with information.

Recent Activity:


[homeschoolhub] Location change on Join Scouting night!


Cub Scout Pack 723

invites you to a Join Scouting Night on

May 3rd from 6:30 – 7:30 pm

at High Dive Park Pavilion*
500 E. Beardsley Ave.
Elkhart, IN 46514

(Between Main & Johnson St.)

Boys currently in Kindergarten to 4th grade, and a parent, are invited to come check out our Cub Scout Pack and see what Cub Scouts are all about. We are a fairly new pack representing boys from homeschools, private schools and public schools in the area. Come see what scouting is all about!

Questions? Contact Matt Morgan, Committee Chair, at 574/320-4349 or or Steve Quick, Cubmaster, at 574/807-2322 or

Events still to come this year include:

3 opportunities to camp out with your family including Scout o Rama in May
Boy Scout Family Night at the South Bend Silver Hawks
Cub Scout Day camp in June at Ox Bow Park
Webelo resident camp in July
Cub Scout resident camp in August
Family Raingutter Regatta & picnic in August
Fundraising car washes during the warm summer months
Den Meetings & Pack Meetings to complete merit badges & have fun!

* Note the location change from previous communications

Recent Activity:


[homeschoolhub] Soccer aptly described, Mon. 4/23, 3-5 p.m.


Last week our elite group met under a cloudy sky and played our little hearts out beleaguered by gusty winds.

(Elite (a) a verb meaning to be willing to injest unusual or unpleasant things, e.g. "Elite anything - even bugs!!", (b) an adjective meaning: having tiny feet, (c) a preposition meaning that the object bears an indescribable relation to the word being modified, or (d) few, if any, of the above.)

(Beleaguered from the verb "to beleaguer" meaning: (a) to be a member of a league, (b) to cover with an oil or balm, (c) to be eager with one's tongue hanging out like a tired dog's, (d) to do none of the above.)

It looked like a storm was coming in a few minutes for two solid hours. The storm never came. Maybe next time.

Tomorrow's forecast calls for some winds, zero precipitation, and plenty of friends in the sunny afternoon. Looking forward to seeing YOU!

Everyone is welcome regardless of age, or level of skill or fitness.

Mon. 4/23, 3-5 p.m. at Howard Park at the corner of Jefferson Blvd. and St. Louis Blvd in South Bend.

Tom Borek

Recent Activity:


[homeschoolhub] Soccer Again! Mon. 4/16, 3-5 pm


Last week's game was a peak experience: lots of running, passing, and good healthy competition, while we forgot about the score after every play. We had so much fun, nobody bothered to threaten the truant!

Everyone is welcome regardless of age, or level of skill or fitness.

Mon. 4/16, 3-5 p.m. at Howard Park at the corner of Jefferson Blvd. and St. Louis Blvd in South Bend.

Tom Borek

Recent Activity:


[homeschoolhub] Cub Scout pack in Elkhart area welcoming new scouts


Cub Scout Pack 723

invites you to a Join Scouting Night on

May 3rd from 6:30 – 7:30 pm

at Willowdale Park Pavilion
1320 Olive St.
Elkhart, IN 46514

(just off Bristol Street west of Main).

Boys currently in Kindergarten to 4th grade, and a parent, are invited to come check out our Cub Scout Pack and see what Cub Scouts are all about. We are a fairly new pack representing boys from homeschools, private schools and public schools in the area. Come see what scouting is all about!

Questions? Contact Matt Morgan, Committee Chair, at 574/320-4349 or or Steve Quick, Cubmaster, at 574/674-1531 or

Events still to come this year include:

3 opportunities to camp out with your family including Scout o Rama in May
Boy Scout Family Night at the South Bend Silver Hawks
Cub Scout Day camp in June at Ox Bow Park
Webelo resident camp in July
Cub Scout resident camp in August
Family Raingutter Regatta & picnic in August
Fundraising car washes during the warm summer months
Den Meetings & Pack Meetings to complete merit badges & have fun!

Recent Activity:


[homeschoolhub] Soccer with a Truant, 4/9, 3-5 p.m.


How great will soccer be tomorrow afternoon? What if I told you that one of our long-time homeschool soccer players decided to give up homeschooling and attend one of the best known brick 'n mortar schools in town. What if this same player was wonderfully successful in the school for two years, but then decided to risk it all for tomorrow's soccer game. It's true. This player (let's call her MaryAgnesMariaVonFurstenberg [not her real name]) is going to play fast and loose with her school's attendance rules and play hooky just to join us for a fabulous afternoon of "everybody's a winner" soccer.

If you think you know who it is, just walk up to him or her and say, "I think you're MaryAgnesMariaVonFurstenberg. What's it worth to buy my silence?" It should be fun.

Everyone is welcome regardless of age, or level of skill or fitness.

Mon. 4/9, 3-5 p.m. at Howard Park at the corner of Jefferson Blvd. and St. Louis Blvd in South Bend.

Tom Borek

Recent Activity:


[homeschoolhub] $5 Off Coupon – Homeschool Expo


Hi Everyone! If you didn't get a chance to register for the Expo there is still time and there is a coupon at the bottom of this email from the Expo. There are a lot of exciting speakers coming to the Expo (Dinah Zike, Kirk Martin, Todd Wilson, Dr. Feddes, The Klein Family, and more). Also note the Expo is on Thursday and Friday this year and Homeschooling for Excellence 101 is on Wednesday (May 9) before the Expo opens.



In case you haven't taken advantage of any of the Homeschool Expo's offers or registered yet…

Get a SPECIAL $5 off coupon code (used online only) at the end of this email… Hurry and register because the deadline for online registration ends April 27th!

Join homeschoolers from Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Iowa, Kentucky, and Michigan

2012 Chicago Illinois Homeschool Expo

NEW! Location The Tinley Park Convention Center is very family friendly place for a homeschool convention! With an all ground floor parking lot and the Holiday Inn attached, the convention center is a just right location for affordable family access.

New Dates! May 9-11, 2012 - Hear what's new in homeschooling! Attend informative and inspiring educational workshops, get new ideas, purchase learning materials and curriculum. Make connections with other homeschool families at a convenient, relaxed time of the year. Remember, homeschoolers who attend conventions are better connected and have more success in homeschooling.

Learn HOW to Homeschool! At Homeschooling for Excellence 101, Wednesday May 9th - a special Pre-Expo one day seminar for new homeschoolers. Return May 10-11th (Thursday & Friday), with the Expo exhibit hall and more workshops for shopping and learning! Learn more…

Featuring DINAH ZIKE – Don't miss this opportunity to hear the one and only DINAH! She's the originator of foldables and is the most encouraging educator you will ever meet. Regardless of the way you homeschool, students of all ages will have more fun and learn more easily when you apply Dinah's homeschooling secrets. Learn more about all our speakers…

KidsZone – Ages 4-12 can attend this optional child sized learning conference featuring AWESOME entertainers Chris McBrien and David Landau! Learn more..

Worldview Teen Track – Ages 13-18 participate with other homeschool teens in a once a year variety of teen focused workshops from worldviews to education to working. Featuring FABULOUS speakers like Dr. David Feddes, Bob Moeller, and more! Learn more…

Struggling Learners - 2 Hour Seminar – Thursday, May 10 – 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM - Bringing 30 years experience with Homeschooling all types of special needs children, Randi St.Denis, homeschooling mother, tutor, and special needs advocate gives parents loads of information for homeschooling success. Learn how to choose materials, use technology to speed learning, improve visual, auditory, sensory motor and social issues, and set realistic and attainable goals. Famous for her student's high educational success rates, Randi has many special needs students who have gone on to become successful college students and employees. Start early and set your child on the path that leads to success. Learn more

Trying to Encourage a Friend to Homeschool? – Bring them along with you to Homeschooling for Excellence 101. This not just for novices, homeschool seminar before the Expo opens is a place where parents can explore, learn, and get their questions answered without any pressure to join in. If you already homeschool and attend with your friend, we guarantee you won't be bored. Even seasoned homeschoolers enjoy and learn much need info on this special day. Learn more…

ALSO, a special discounted Holiday Inn Hotel rate is available for you! Stay on-site right next to the convention center.

Your $5 off coupon code for the Individual or Husband & Wife registration is: fiveoff

Enter the promo code on your registration page for any Individual or Husband & Wife Expo or Homeschooling For Excellence 101. Register to attend!


Recent Activity:


[homeschoolhub] Soccer Today, Mon 4/2, 3-5 p.m.


Everyone is welcome regardless of age, or level of skill or fitness.

Mon. 4/2, 3-5 p.m. at Howard Park at the corner of Jefferson Blvd. and St. Louis Blvd in South Bend.

Tom Borek

Recent Activity:


Re: [homeschoolhub] Contest open to all ages!


It is a contest to create an edible book.

Gail Bliss
Home School Liaison

Niles Community Schools  

Recent Activity:


[homeschoolhub] File - Important Info


This post will go out each month as a reminder. Just delete it once you have it memorized. :-)

First, you can access the website at It is FULL of info on local groups, homeschooling, contests, scholarships, how to make your own free/nearly free individualized curriculum, fun youtube videos, etc. If you haven't been there in a while, check it out!

Second, if you haven't signed up for the weekly email newsletter, YOU ARE MISSING OUT! It is full of events, field trips, activities, scholarships, volunteer opportunities, etc. for families. To sign up, go to OR send an email to the following address:

Third, the Homeschool HUB is a volunteer organization. We need local homeschool support to continue to function. Please consider helping out. You can serve on the board, teach a class, organize a play group, organize a field trip, teach a one-night workshop (on anything--cooking pizza, using Prezi or MS Word, painting, martial arts, dog breeds, Chinese culture...), throw a party, host a Shakespeare club, give a talk, or anything else you can think of. If you're interested, chances are another homeschooler will be, too.

Thank you!

Recent Activity:


[homeschoolhub] File - Important Info


This post will go out each month as a reminder. Just delete it once you have it memorized. :-)

First, you can access the website at It is FULL of info on local groups, homeschooling, contests, scholarships, how to make your own free/nearly free individualized curriculum, fun youtube videos, etc. If you haven't been there in a while, check it out!

Second, if you haven't signed up for the weekly email newsletter, YOU ARE MISSING OUT! It is full of events, field trips, activities, scholarships, volunteer opportunities, etc. for families. To sign up, go to OR send an email to the following address:

Third, the Homeschool HUB is a volunteer organization. We need local homeschool support to continue to function. Please consider helping out. You can serve on the board, teach a class, organize a play group, organize a field trip, teach a one-night workshop (on anything--cooking pizza, using Prezi or MS Word, painting, martial arts, dog breeds, Chinese culture...), throw a party, host a Shakespeare club, give a talk, or anything else you can think of. If you're interested, chances are another homeschooler will be, too.

Thank you!

Recent Activity:
