[homeschoolhub] Location change on Join Scouting night!


Cub Scout Pack 723

invites you to a Join Scouting Night on

May 3rd from 6:30 – 7:30 pm

at High Dive Park Pavilion*
500 E. Beardsley Ave.
Elkhart, IN 46514

(Between Main & Johnson St.)

Boys currently in Kindergarten to 4th grade, and a parent, are invited to come check out our Cub Scout Pack and see what Cub Scouts are all about. We are a fairly new pack representing boys from homeschools, private schools and public schools in the area. Come see what scouting is all about!

Questions? Contact Matt Morgan, Committee Chair, at 574/320-4349 or morgandm153@yahoo.com or Steve Quick, Cubmaster, at 574/807-2322 or steve.quick@sbcglobal.net.

Events still to come this year include:

3 opportunities to camp out with your family including Scout o Rama in May
Boy Scout Family Night at the South Bend Silver Hawks
Cub Scout Day camp in June at Ox Bow Park
Webelo resident camp in July
Cub Scout resident camp in August
Family Raingutter Regatta & picnic in August
Fundraising car washes during the warm summer months
Den Meetings & Pack Meetings to complete merit badges & have fun!

* Note the location change from previous communications

Recent Activity:


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