[homeschoolhub] Soccer vs. the Odds, Mon. 5/7/2012


Well . . . the rain is pouring down, I'm very late in posting this announcement, and Herbie, Floyd and Veronica (and I) are in a motel in Eastern Pennsylvania. Can we still play soccer this afternoon?


Jennifer and Blake (a.k.a. the Deutchen Angels, the Teutonic Terrors, the Kraut Witches, the mild yet wild) will on hand to keep order and provide guidance. Be kind to them. They are (paradoxically) shy.

If everyone else stays indoors because of a light rain, J & B will be out honing their skills all by themselves.

Everyone is welcome regardless of age, or level of skill or fitness.

Mon. 5/7, 3-5 p.m. at Howard Park at the corner of Jefferson Blvd. and St. Louis Blvd in South Bend.

Tom Borek

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