[homeschoolhub] Robotics competition- some help is eagerly desired!


How many of you remember the FIRST Robotics competition at Niles High
School last year? Cool, wasn't it?? MANY of the volunteers drove a
long time from across the state to help. This year we have a few more
local volunteers, but right now we have two things we could really use
local help with: First is field and pit area setup/teardown. No
technical experience is required, just a willingness to haul and
follow directions. The teams and non-local volunteers can't help with
this, since the field comes in on a Wednesday, and they won't arrive
until Thursday. It comes down Saturday night, but they have to leave
Saturday afternoon to get their kids home.
Secondly, we need to feed these volunteers who have, in most cases,
taken a day off work and sacrificed their weekend to help our
students. If you'd be willing to bring a crockpot full of soup on
Saturday for lunch, please let me know! It can be anything you'd like.
Let's show them how great this community is! Please plan to come watch
the fun!

March 21 is the field setup date. March 24 is the day we need soup. Thanks!

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