[homeschoolhub] SB/Mish babysitter wanted during school year. Homeschool parent or teen?


Hello Everyone!! We are in need of a permanent, part time babysitter/nanny/daycare for the upcoming school year.  Two days per week, approx 6-8 hours per day.  My husband and I are both working full time on mostly opposite schedules, but we will need someone to be with our kids for 2 days per week. Possibly a third day occasionally.  Ideally, the days would be flexible, and would mostly be either wed-thurs or thurs-fri, but if having the days be set is a dealbreaker for the right caregiver, we might be able to work that out.  We haven't tried to do this with a non-family member, and we're not sure what will work best, so we are open to discussing all types of situations.  Babysitter to come here, us to drop kids off there, etc.  A homeschool parent who would be willing to add them to her/his brood for the day?  A HS teen looking to make some money?    My kids are 4.5 and nearly 8.  No diapers, bottles or toddler tantrums, just homeschooled kids who like to play :)  The only thing we are certain of is that we aren't going to want to drive very far if we end up doing a drop-off situation, so anyone more than 15 minutes outside of downtown south bend or mishawaka won't work for us unless you come here.   Ability to drive them around not required.  We would be willing to consider a younger teen who is responsible - really, they just need to be fed, and played with :)  

If this sounds like a situation you might be interested in, you can email me offlist at   bobandjess99@sbcglobal.net   
Jessica Alwood

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