Homeschool HUB News Update--October 14

Homeschool HUB News Update--October 14

Homeschool HUB phone: 269-240-6094
email:   website:
Editor: Andrea Bikfalvy
The information below is offered to you as a service.  Please research and decide for yourself the value to your family.  The Homeschool HUB does not endorse any programs or services other than those offered by the Homeschool HUB.
Send information to be added to the update no later than the Thursday before the week you want it to appear:


Details for the following events are on the calendar at:

October 21--Bowling at Strikes and Spares, 1:00-3:00, $5/pp
October 21--Homeschool Skate at USA Skate 1:00-3:00, $3/pp including skate rental.


G1) Help with Contrail Effects Study

G1) Help with Contrail Effects Study


My name is Rachel Long. I am a seventh-grade student at Flagstaff Academy in Longmont, Colorado. For the 2011-12 STEM Fair (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), I will be conducting a  study on the contrail effect.  I will be collecting data from all over the United States, and will need some volunteers to assist. All the volunteers have to do is take a picture of the sky at the exact same time and place every weekday from November 1st through November 30th at 12:00 P.M. Central Standard Time.

As a former home-schooled student, I recognize that home-schooled students are in the best position to assist with taking a picture during the day and would greatly appreciate their assistance.  If students are interested, please email I hope to recruit volunteers by October 18, 2011.

I appreciate your time and consideration and thank you for sharing this with your students.

Rachel Long
Flagstaff Academy


1) Help Plan Robotics Event in Niles
2) Save the date--Krasl Holly Market Art Fair/Sale
3) Hospice at Home Open Houses
4) Spelling Bee
5) Volunteer Opportunities

1) Help Plan Robotics Event in Niles

The FRC robotics event planning committee is forming now for the March event. (Did anyone come see the competition last year at Niles High school? It was all over the news!)

Anyone interested can come to LMC-Bertrand Crossing at 4:30 October 20th, and ask for Nathan Chupp. If this first meeting is too soon, you can also email me at to be put on the contact list for future meeting notices.

The event is a blast! Organizing it isn't too bad, if we have enough people to share the load. Ideally, sub-committee heads would only need to meet monthly, and can usually call in even for those meetings.

Come support science and engineering in a cool, competitive event!

Laura Hollister

2) Save the date--Krasl Holly Market Art Fair/Sale

November 5-10 the Krasl Art Center 's annual indoor art and fine craft fair is the perfect opportunity to purchase holiday gifts, décor items, jewelry and so much more. The Krasl Art Center features artwork from new and returning artists; shoppers will be pleased by the variety and quality of the items available.

Top off or begin your shopping experience by enjoying a hearty bowl of homemade soup, bread and dessert during Soup'sOn held Monday through Thursday at 11:30 am to 1:30 pm during HollyMarket. Cost: Soup is $6.00 per bowl or sampler & desserts are $1.00 each.

3) Hospice at Home Open Houses

Hospice at Home is celebrating 30 years of serving our community.  They holding open houses at their facilities and have invited homeschoolers to join them for refreshments, tours, and good conversation. Details follow:
October 20, 4-7 p.m. - South Haven, 30 year Anniversary Open House 05055 Blue Star Highway
November 9, 4-7 p.m. St. Joseph,  Lory's Place, 445 Upton Drive, 7-Year Open House/Hospice at Home 30 year Anniversary Open House

4) Spelling Bee

The 2012 Scripps Spelling Bee is up and at full force!  What an exciting time!  The Homeschool Hub is sponsoring this event and looking for spellers!  Enrollment is just  $15 and open to all homeschoolers to grade 8 or under 15 years of age.  Word lists are available now.  Email with interest, call with questions or mail your check today.  Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity.  The top speller gets an all-expense paid trip to Washingtom, D.C.
Our local bee will be held near the end of January and the regional will be held early February so there is still plenty of time to study.
Word lists are available to ANYONE.  Request an emailed word list today.
Mail check to:
Homeschool Hub
P.O. Box 286
Niles, MI 49031
Contact:  Diane Day 269-445-1900, 269-370-4589

5) Volunteer Opportunities

A) One day opportunities to volunteer, find a friend, grab a neighbor and Make A Difference in the community.

Saturday, October 15 9 a.m. meet at the pavilion at River Front Park in Niles to receive your assignment.  Some volunteers will stay at the River Front Park and others will head to one of the other great City of Niles Parks for a final clean up of the season.

Saturday, October 22 8:30 a.m. till noon Make A Difference Day is a national day of service with a team of volunteers doing a day of preparation for a future water feature project at River Front Park in Niles .  Sign up to volunteer and choose your volunteer task at: and follow the prompts.  If you have questions call the Volunteer Center .  See you out at the park!

Day of Action for Seniors, Thursday, November 3.  Hundreds of volunteers will connect with seniors, across the area, and help them prepare for the winter by raking leaves, cleaning gutters, and weatherizing windows.  Gather a group of friends or join a group and make new friends while helping a senior to stay independent in their homes and get ready for winter.  United Way is leading this effort so go to the United Way of Southwest Michigan 's web site to sign up:

B) Volunteer at the Krasl Art Center 's HollyMarket in St. Joseph : Juried Fine Art and Crafts Holiday Show:   Sat., November 5 - Thurs., November 10, 2011

Volunteers will greet visitors, work in the gift store, tabulate data, serve soup, bus tables, smile and enjoy the event.  If you would like to be of assistance for one of the shifts, a day or all week - see what tasks and times slots are yet to be filled.
Hours: November 5, 7, 8, 10 - 10 am to 4 pm
Hours: Sunday, November 6 - Noon to 4 pm
Hours: Wednesday, November 9 - 10 am to 7 pm
Debra Panozzo
Adult and family volunteer coordinator
Volunteer Center of Southwest Michigan
269-983-0912 ext 13 St. Joseph
269-683-5464  Niles


Know of an interesting site?  Share the link!


Looking for a group?  Join the HUB!  We need you.

There are several benefits of membership including a travel club and a resource library that includes things like books, games, laptops, video cameras and other items to borrow. Members receive first chance at events and classes when availability is limited.  The cost of membership is only $24/year.  Information about becoming a member is on the website at

Have something for sale, free or trade?  Advertise here!

Homeschool groups are welcome to advertise their group, too.  It's free!

LETTING IT RIDE: come to before you shop at Amazon.  You can either shop the Associate Store listed in the Menu bar or click on the "Help the Homeschool HUB - Purchase at Amazon" link just below the Menu bar. By using this link to Amazon The Homeschool HUB will earn money through Amazon's Associates program on everything you purchase. So whenever you think "Amazon" please remember your purchase can help The Homeschool HUB.

The Homeschool HUB is collecting used textbooks.  Contact Diane Day: or 269-445-1900.

The Homeschool HUB is continuing to collect Campbell Soup labels, Campbell's Chunky Soup labels, Campbell's Healthy Request labels, Campbell's Select harvest, Franco-American, Pepperidge Farm, Spaghettios, Swanson, V-8 Beverages, V-8 Fusion, Prego Italian Sauces and Campbell's Food Service.   Give your labels to any board member or bring them to our homeschool functions.


We are still accepting Boxtops for education labels.  You can find these on many products.

Go to Boxtops for for more info, and then SAVE SAVE SAVE  those labels.  Each one nets 10 cents and every 10 cents adds up. You can give them to any HUB board director or bring them to any functions that we have.  Thank-you!


While the Homeschool HUB believes that these events or opportunities may be of value to home educators, announcements do not constitute an endorsement by the Homeschool HUB, or its Board of Directors. It is the responsibility of individual parents to determine the appropriateness of any event or opportunity for their children.

Participation in any event is voluntary and the participant assumes complete responsibility and liability for themselves, their family, anyone accompanying them, and their personal property.

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