Welcome to the homeschoolhub group


I've added you to my homeschoolhub group at Yahoo! Groups, a free,
easy-to-use service. Yahoo! Groups makes it easy to send and receive
group messages, coordinate events, share photos and files, and more.

Description of the group:
Homeschoolers United is a group of homeschoolers in southwest
Michigan and northern Indiana that are starting a new kind of
homeschool group. We are a non-profit corporation with a mission
to be an information clearinghouse for local homeschool groups
and individual homeschoolers, and to provide enrichment
opportunites. We want to bring the local homeschool community
closer, sharing activities and resources. This list is just part
of our group. We also have an offline support group that meets
for social time, fun activities and learning experiences. We have
a weekly update that is delivered via email. To sign up for that
send a request to www.homeschoolhub@yahoo.com. Welcome to our
list! We have open membership, anyone may join. After clicking on
the join link and following the yahoo procedures, send an e-mail
message describing yourself and your connection to homeschooling
to the list so we may all get to know you and you family.
Current, former and prospective homeschoolers are welcome. After
joining you may read our Statement of Purpose in the files
section to learn more about us. If you are interested in joining
our offline group look in the files section on "How to become
member of the Homeschool HUB."

Complete your Yahoo! Groups account:
Your email address has been added to the email list of a Yahoo! Group.
To gain access to all of your group's web features (previous messages,
photos, files, calendar, etc.) and easier control of your message
delivery options, we highly recommend that you complete your account
by connecting your email address to a Yahoo account. It is easy and free.
Please visit:

Important information about the homeschoolhub group
* To send a message to the members of this group, send an email to:

* To leave the group, you can unsubscribe by replying to this message,
or by sending an email to:


Moderator, homeschoolhub

Report abuse:
Because Yahoo! Groups values your privacy, it is a violation of our
service rules for moderators to add subscribers to a group against
their wishes. If you feel this has happened, please notify us:

You may also change your email preferences to prevent group owners from
adding you to their groups. To do so, please go here:

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:

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