[homeschoolhub] A Punny Day for Soccer, Mon. 10/1, 3-5 p.m.


A week ago I I raised the possibility that last Monday might turn out to be the perfect soccer day - completely ignoring the impossibility of perfection in the mortal realm. Nonetheless, was it the best day we have had? Bright and clear with enough cloud cover to keep the sun from being oppressive, with a temperature allowing us to shed our sweaters and yet kept our perspiration to reasonable levels, it was certainly a good candidate.

But why turn our attention backwards when we can look ahead? Although this morning's thermometer reads 42 degrees Fahrenheit (which with wind chill and humidity considered feels like 42 degrees Fahrenheit), we are looking forward to a more comfortable 68 with partly cloudy skies and no reasonable chance of rain. Why can't today be the best day ever?

And what about this focus on weather anyway? Don't we make our own weather? Doesn't the quality of our day depend upon whether we face it with enthusiasm, full of gratitude and appreciation for the day and the people with whom we share it? Were I in a mood to be pompous and verbose (and I am!) I might say that we make our own whether.

Let's make some today!

Everyone is welcome regardless of age, or level of skill or fitness. Everyone
will be valued for their contribution. No exceptions.

Mon. 10/1, 3-5 p.m. at Howard Park at the corner of Jefferson Blvd. and St.
Louis Blvd in South Bend. It's the place to be.

Tom Borek

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