[homeschoolhub] Soccer in Layers, Mon. 10/8, 3-5 p.m.


Last week I put aside the weather to focus on the whether. This week, I again find myself mesmerized by the forcast: 57 degrees! With the humidity and the wind-chill factors, that could feel like anything from 56 to 58 degrees! Definitely cooler than last week. I'm gonna find my gloves!

Let's prepare. We'll dress in layers so we are comfortable at any likely temperature and at any level of exertion. I hope we can work just as hard and have just as much fun as last week. Who knows? Maybe we'll have more endurance and be better preserved in the cooler weather.

Everyone is welcome regardless of age, or level of skill or fitness. Everyone will be valued for their contribution. No exceptions.

Mon. 10/8, 3-5 p.m. at Howard Park at the corner of Jefferson Blvd. and St.Louis Blvd in South Bend.

Tom Borek

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