[homeschoolhub] Soccer for Joy! Mon. 10/15, 3-5 p.m.


In case you missed it, last week's game was one of our very best attended. In addition to the regulars from as far away as the "mitten state" (Hi Jen!), we had an entire squad (troop? gaggle? flotilla?) of homeschooled girl scouts (They were formidable!).

It's probably silly but it sometimes seems that more players can have a greater quantity of fun than fewer players. Imagine that 12 players each person had 6 ounces of fun. That would be a total of 72 ounces or 4 1/2 pounds of enjoyment. Imagine that we had another game with 15 players who each had an equal quantity. That would be a total of 90 ounces or 5.625 pounds of joy. The difference would be visible from orbit!

I know what you're thinking: we can't weigh fun, and we cannot measure joy. You're right! But that doesn't mean that it isn't there, and it doesn't mean that some don't have more than others. Yes, Virginia, there is Joy, and although I cannot quantify it with a great deal of precision, I can feel it, and I will feel it in great glowing gobs this week with my friends, large and small, in Howard Park!

Everyone is welcome regardless of age, or level of skill or fitness. Everyone will be valued for their contribution. No exceptions.

Mon. 10/15, 3-5 p.m. at Howard Park at the corner of Jefferson Blvd. and St. Louis Blvd in South Bend.

Dress in layers!

Tom Borek

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