Re: [homeschoolhub] Help!


Hi Tom,

For math, I recommend older editions of great textbooks. They are available on Amazon for not much money.  Teacher's editions are cheaper too, for older textbooks. Do they live in Indiana? Michigan has some great options through the school system, but I don't know anything about Indiana...

Sorry I can't be of more help...


On Oct 12, 2012, at 1:02 PM, Tom wrote:



I have a friend who must find a way to homeschool her bright but under-achieving 9th grader ASAP. She faces two obstacles - very little time available when she is not working and a limited budget. The IUSB courses, for example, are too expensive.

I'm collecting options with pros and cons for each. If you've used a secondary curriculem, on-line or otherwise please let me know what is was, how expensive it was, and what you thought of it.

Please feel free to reply via e-mail or phone. If you'd prefer to speak directly to the parent, I can arrange that as well.

I realize that I presume on your generosity.

Thanks you.


Tom Borek

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