[homeschoolhub] Fwd: BWB Outlet - The We Heart Teachers Box Sale is Saturday!


There is a big book sale going on at Better World Books for educators Saturday the 18th!  I love Better World Books!

Who is an educator?
  • Home school parents
  • Teachers (includes student-teachers, substitutes, teachers' assistants, etc)
  • Librarians (public, academic, K-12, it doesn't matter)
  • Ministry workers
  • Day Care providers
  • Anyone else who can convince us they'll use the books for educational purposes
If any of these apply to you or to someone you know please let them know.
Andrea Bikfalvy

It's finally here!

We Heart Teachers
Box Sale!

Saturday, August 18th, 2012

Local Educators:
Fill a box with kids' books for only $10!
Up to 200 kids' books can fit in one box, depending on the sizes of the books.
The only requirement: the box has to close.

We're also expecting visits from Kona Ice so you can purchase snowcones (bring cash!)
as well as Texas Roadhouse (South Bend) with resources for teachers to help encourage students to read!
Be sure to ask Nicole from Texas Roadhouse about their Teacher's Day in September.

Who is an educator?
  • Home school parents
  • Teachers (includes student-teachers, substitutes, teachers' assistants, etc)
  • Librarians (public, academic, K-12, it doesn't matter)
  • Ministry workers
  • Day Care providers
  • Anyone else who can convince us they'll use the books for educational purposes

What do you mean by "kids' books?"
We'll have everything from baby books through high school reading available. Most books fall into the PreK-6th age group.

Can I earn free boxes like last year?
Yes! You can earn one Buy One, Get One Free Coupon for every 20 people you forward this message to. Please feel free to forward to local news groups and/or  your school's administration to be sent to all teachers. Here's the catch: you have to copy me (molson@betterworldbooks.com) on your forward(s). And it has to be sent before Saturday, August 18, 2012. Claim your coupons at the sale on Saturday by asking Mary Olson (that would be me!). You will be packing your free boxes. IMPORTANT: Be sure to sign your first and last name to your forwarded email so that I know who the coupon goes to!

What do I need to bring?
You'll need your payment, yourself, and a chunk of time to dig through thousands upon thousands of kids' books! Boxes, box tape, and books to dig through are provided. 

How do I pay?
Cash is easiest (it's $10 exactly per box) and will be taken outside where the box sale is held. Credit Card payments can be taken in the Outlet Store. You can purchase as many boxes as you like.

Where is the sale?
The sale will be under the awning of the front building that you pass on your way to the Outlet Store. We'll have staff around to help you park. The Outlet will still be open, but Outlet inventory does not count for the box sale.

What if it rains?
We're covered. But you might want to bring your umbrella!

I can't wait to see you all there and to enjoy this amazing event with you!

As always, please just email me back if you'd like to be removed from this email list. If this email has been forwarded to you, and you want to know more about sales at the Better World Books Outlet Store, just send a quick email to molson@betterworldbooks.com asking to be added to our email list. Thank you!

Mary Olson
Outlet Store Manager
and aspiring (posthumously-published) author

Better World Books Outlet Store
M-Th: 10am - 6pm | Fri: 10am - 8pm | Sa: 9am - 5pm
574-968-9701 |  Outlet@BetterWorldBooks.com
55740 Currant Rd. | Mishawaka, IN 46545

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