[homeschoolhub] Soccer in Series, Mon. 8/20, 3-5 p.m.


Last week we had a 90% chance of thunderstorms and a terrific game. This week we've got a 20% chance of rain. Love those odds!

Last week's them was radical good sportsmanship. This week's is the same. Why not?

If there's a certain sameness to the ritual (same open air, same grass, same exhilaration, same sounds of happy kids), I don't mind. I'd do it every Monday if I could. How about you?

Everyone is welcome regardless of age, or level of skill or fitness. Everyone will be valued for their contribution. No exceptions.

Mon. 8/20, 3-5 p.m. at Howard Park at the corner of Jefferson Blvd. and St. Louis Blvd in South Bend. It's the place to be.

Tom Borek

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