[homeschoolhub] Homeschool Info Night


This has been in the HUB newsletter, but in case you missed it, the 2nd Annual Homeschool Info Night is here!  Feel free to pass this along to your friends and family.  Everyone is welcome to attend, homeschooler or not, and it's all free.

Looking for information about homeschooling?  Want some fun and educational things for your student to do?  Curious about homeschooling?  Want to connect with local homeschoolers?  Just plain bored?  Come to the 2nd Annual Homeschool Info Night!

Tuesday August 28 from 6-8 at Lake Michigan College Bertrand (1905 Foundation Drive in Niles, MI--near the intersection of US 31 and US 12).

Free refreshments will be served
Lots of local businesses, groups, nature centers, etc. will be there
Free curriculua and materials--bring what you don't need and take what you want
Ask questions and get answers
Bring any campbell's soup labels, boxtops for education, and anything else you want to donate or return to the Homeschool HUB.

Come when you can, leave when you want.  Get informed!

This is a free, family-friendly event open to the public (bring a friend!).  Sponsored by the Homeschool HUB and Lake Michigan College.

Recent Activity:


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