[homeschoolhub] 4 yr old Montessori kid


Hi Jen:

Just chiming in but you've already gotten some great advice. I am a mom of 4 and will tell you now that I am on kid #4 (and in my 12th year of homeschooling) I am wayyyyy more relaxed compared to my 1st (and even 2nd for that matter). I've discovered that kids need to be kids way longer than I ever realized and that play is the business for learning for them. I've discovered that learning doesn't have to look structured with desks and chairs (or even centers) for them to be learning. Often it can be big & comfy sofas and picture books. I've discovered kids are programmed to learn and if we feed this programming rather than killing it with lots of formal instruction (even when done well in a Montessori setting) that they will do better in the long run rather than looking smart and stellar in the moment. I discovered (after touring a Montessori primary classroom just this week as I have returned to work part time as was concerned as the quantity of a schoolwork we are accomplishing on a weekly basis has dropped off) that what I can offer my son on a part-time basis by continuing to homeschool him is STILL FAR SUPERIOR to what he would get full-time in a Montesorri classroom.

I would be happy to talk to you about the curriculum we follow (Ambleside Online - google it) and it's similarities to Montessori. You can do this at home! And it 's totally worth doing.

I vote with the others. Bring your previous child out of that environment and watch her bloom at home!

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