[homeschoolhub] Re: Exploring Homeschooling


who has the most vested interest in your daughter's learning, growing and developing, a paid professional with other children under their care, or her parents?I am betting you are the one person who cares the most :D.
 I encourage any parent to challenge their fears as they bringing daughter home for the youngest years. The best way to learn how to structure and love your dear daugter is to do it, rather than outsource to the system. If you would like to attend a homeschool support meeting, this may be a great way to talk to more moms who are "in" this lifestyle, and I would be so happy to be your hostess, if you want to make a visit to Niles, to ours. Totally ok to just "try it out".
Consider your husband's feelings about this, too it is an integral support you will need.
You are a dear, brave mom, and I will be routing for you and yours as you r family makes these decisions! xo Jenny Siek Saint Joseph, MI

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